
Registration of restaurants and dishes

Primary LanguageRuby



Test Coverage

Build Status


About this project

Is a Rails application to management Restaurants, and gives 2 resources:

  • Restaurants
  • Dishes

Technical Informations and dependencies

* The Ruby language   # version 2.6.5
* The Rails gem       # version 6.0
* Capybara:           # version 3.30
* RSpec               # version 3.9.0
* Rubocop             # version 0.79.0
* PostgreSQL          # version 10
* Docker              # version 19.03.5-ce
* Docker Compose      # version 1.25.0

To use

Clone the project:

git clone git@github.com:marcelotoledo5000/restaurant.git
cd restaurant

With Docker (better option)

script/setup    # => development bootstrap, preparing containers
script/server   # => starts server
script/console  # => starts console
script/test     # => running tests

Running without Docker (not recommended!)

If you prefer, you'll need to update config/database.yml:

# host: db        # when using docker
host: localhost   # when using localhost

System dependencies

And then:

gem install bundler         # => install the last Bundler version
bundle install              # => install the project's gems
rails db:setup db:migrate   # => prepare the database
rails s                     # => starts server
rails c                     # => starts console
bundle exec rspec           # => to running tests

To run app

To see the application in action, starts the rails server to able http://localhost:3000/


Dockerfile is here