
Pipedrive.net is an async .NET Standard client for pipedrive.com

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Getting started

Set the API Key and URL for your project

In your application initialization, set your API key and organization URL:

PipedriveClient client = new PipedriveClient(new ProductHeaderValue("PipedriveExample"), new Uri("[your organization url here]"))
  Credentials = new Credentials("[your api key here]", AuthenticationType.ApiToken)

You can obtain your secret API key from the API Settings https://[your organization].pipedrive.com/settings/api in Pipedrive.


You can debug this library right from your application by configuring the NuGet symbol server.

Supported endpoints

  • Activities

    • getActivities
    • getActivity
    • addActivity
    • updateActivity
    • deleteActivities
    • deleteActivity
  • ActivityFields

    • getActivityFields
  • ActivityTypes

    • getActivityTypes
    • addActivityType
    • updateActivityType
    • deleteActivityTypes
    • deleteActivityType
  • CallLogs

    • getUserCallLogs
    • getCallLog
    • addCallLog
    • addCallLogAudioFile
    • deleteCallLog
  • Currencies

    • getCurrencies
  • Deals

    • getDeals
    • searchDeals
    • getDealsSummary
    • getDealsTimeline
    • getDeal
    • getDealActivities
    • getDealFiles
    • getDealUpdates
    • getDealFollowers
    • getDealMailMessages
    • getDealParticipants
    • getDealUsers
    • getDealPersons
    • getDealProducts
    • addDeal
    • duplicateDeal
    • addDealFollower
    • addDealParticipant
    • addDealProduct
    • updateDeal
    • mergeDeals
    • updateDealProduct
    • deleteDeals
    • deleteDeal
    • deleteDealFollower
    • deleteDealParticipant
    • deleteDealProduct
  • DealFields

    • getDealFields
    • getDealField
    • addDealField
    • updateDealField
    • deleteDealFields
    • deleteDealField
  • Files

    • getFiles
    • getFile
    • downloadFile
    • addFile
    • addFileAndLinkIt
    • linkFileToItem
    • updateFile
    • deleteFile
  • Filters

    • getFilters
    • getFilterHelpers
    • getFilter
    • addFilter
    • updateFilter
    • deleteFilters
    • deleteFilter
  • GlobalMessages

    • getGlobalMessages
    • deleteGlobalMessage
  • Goals

    • getGoals
    • getGoalResult
    • addGoal
    • updateGoal
    • deleteGoal
  • ItemSearch

    • searchItem
    • searchItemByField
  • Leads

    • getLeads
    • getLead
    • addLead
    • deleteLead
    • updateLead
  • LeadLabels

    • getLeadLabels
    • addLeadLabel
    • deleteLeadLabel
    • updateLeadLabel
  • LeadSources

    • getLeadSources
  • Mailbox

    • getMailMessage
    • getMailThreads
    • getMailThread
    • getMailThreadMessages
    • updateMailThreadDetails
    • deleteMailThread
  • Notes

    • getNotes
    • getNote
    • addNote
    • updateNote
    • deleteNote
  • NoteFields

    • getNoteFields
  • Organizations

    • getOrganizations
    • searchOrganization
    • getOrganization
    • getOrganizationActivities
    • getOrganizationDeals
    • getOrganizationFiles
    • getOrganizationUpdates
    • getOrganizationFollowers
    • getOrganizationMailMessages
    • getOrganizationUsers
    • getOrganizationPersons
    • addOrganization
    • addOrganizationFollower
    • updateOrganization
    • mergeOrganizations
    • deleteOrganizations
    • deleteOrganization
    • deleteOrganizationFollower
  • OrganizationFields

    • getOrganizationFields
    • getOrganizationField
    • addOrganizationField
    • updateOrganizationField
    • deleteOrganizationFields
    • deleteOrganizationField
  • OrganizationRelationships

    • getOrganizationRelationShips
    • getOrganizationRelationship
    • addOrganizationRelationship
    • updateOrganizationRelationship
    • deleteOrganizationRelationship
  • PermissionSets

    • getPermissionSets
    • getPermissionSet
    • getPermissionSetAssignments
  • Persons

    • getPersons
    • searchPersons
    • getPerson
    • getPersonActivities
    • getPersonDeals
    • getPersonFiles
    • getPersonUpdates
    • getPersonFollowers
    • getPersonMailMessages
    • getPersonUsers
    • getPersonProducts
    • addPerson
    • addPersonFollower
    • addPersonPicture
    • updatePerson
    • mergePersons
    • deletePersons
    • deletePerson
    • deletePersonFollower
    • deletePersonPicture
  • PersonFields

    • getPersonFields
    • getPersonField
    • addPersonField
    • updatePersonField
    • deletePersonFields
    • deletePersonField
  • Pipelines

    • getPipelines
    • getPipeline
    • getPipelineConversionStatistics
    • getPipelineDeals
    • getPipelineMovementStatistics
    • addPipeline
    • updatePipeline
    • deletePipeline
  • Products

    • getProducts
    • searchProducts
    • getProduct
    • getProductDeals
    • getProductFiles
    • getProductFollowers
    • getProductUsers
    • addProduct
    • addProductFollower
    • updateProduct
    • deleteProduct
    • deleteProductFollower
  • ProductFields

    • getProductFields
    • getProductField
    • addProductField
    • updateProductField
    • deleteProductFields
    • deleteProductField
  • Recents

    • getRecents
  • Roles

    • getRoles
    • getRole
    • getRoleAssignments
    • getRoleSubRoles
    • getRoleSettings
    • addRole
    • addRoleAssignment
    • addOrUpdateRoleSetting
    • updateRole
    • deleteRole
    • deleteRoleAssignment
  • Stages

    • getStages
    • getStage
    • getStageDeals
    • addStage
    • updateStage
    • deleteStages
    • deleteStage
  • Subscriptions

    • getSubscription
    • findSubscriptionByDeal
    • getSubscriptionPayments
    • addRecurringSubscription
    • addSubscriptionInstallment
    • updateRecurringSubscription
    • updateSubscriptionInstallment
    • cancelRecurringSubscription
    • deleteSubscription
  • Teams

    • getTeams
    • getTeam
    • getTeamUsers
    • getUserTeams
    • addTeam
    • addTeamUser
    • updateTeam
    • deleteTeamUser
  • Users

    • getUsers
    • findUsersByName
    • getCurrentUser
    • getUser
    • getUserFollowers
    • getUserPermissions
    • getUserRoleAssignments
    • getUserRoleSettings
    • addUser
    • addUserRoleAssignment
    • updateUser
    • deleteUserRoleAssignment
  • UserConnections

    • getUserConnections
  • UserSettings

    • getUserSettings
  • Webhooks

    • getWebhooks
    • addWebhook
    • deleteWebhook