Video summarization project


Project about how to use LLM and visual transformers to solve video summarization task. To produce importance scores for each frame from video is used image caption model, that returns description of each image, and automatic speech recognition to transform audio records from video to text. After that 2 pieces of text have concatenated and put into LLM model with prompt of summarize text with specific schema.

Task definition

Video summarization is the task for set to each frame of video importance score, which has value from 0 to 1, where 1 means that frame is important, 0 means that frame is useless and has not valuable information. This task has a lot of usages starts from cybersecurity to extract importance subvideos from long video stream and ends on crop podcast video to publish this in advertisement or use in TikTok, YouTube Shorts.

Solution performance

This paragraph will contain some performance results of the whole solution. On this time there are achievement of 51% f1-score on one sample

Getting started

  1. Download dataset from Google Drive or use following script to download dataset
    pip install gdown && gdown
  2. Choose config file or write our own config
  3. Run project
python video_summarization/pipelines/