
Primary LanguageKotlin

Kotlin MultiPlatform Demo

Pending Tasks:

  • REST Interceptors & retries
  • Unit Testing
  • Bluetooth Integration iOS
  • Coverage Tools
  • Publish Artifact
  • Git Submodule approach
  • Automation Testing

Successful milestones:

  • Module Abstraction. A common module has been created which the rest of modules inject. All the business logic has been splitted in several modules such as launches (All information regarding SpaceX launches). A shared module has been created as a bridge with all feature modules.
  • REST Request: Using Ktor a GET request to a public API and retrieve data on both platforms was executed successfully.
  • Logging REST: Using Ktor-logging to show logs on the console was executed successfully.
  • Logging messages: Local implementation was required. Debug flag provided on SDK initialization that hides all sensitive data in Release mode.
  • Coroutines Retries: Custom implementation has been done to retry failing REST connections.
  • Exception Handler: Custom implementation has been created to ensure only CustomException is sent to domain layer.
  • Dependency Injection: Koin was used to solve DI issue. When SDK is initialized the graph is created and all modules are injected.
  • Library Versions: All library versions have been centralized into Dependencies.kt file.
  • Firebase Crashlytics: It has to be implemented on application level -> Does report crashes from KMM Module
  • Firebase Performance: It has to be implemented on application level -> Does report performance reports such as API response time and app loading times.
  • Bluetooth Integration [Android]: Scan Devices, Connect & Disconnect works. Third party was used (BlueFalcon). Open source project that get updates every months.
  • Inject ApplicationContext: Using typealias for PlatformContext we can initialize SDK with Application for Android and UIView for iOS with a single invocation.
  • Run app on Real Devices: Both apps works as expected. The only caveat we should take is to delete xcode-frameworks folder from xcode when switching from emulator and real device in order to build .framework with proper architecture.
  • Proguard Enabled: Code shrinking and obfuscation was successfully implemented on Android. Proguard files are provided by modules (consumerProguardFiles) and SDK client does not need to add any extra configuration on their side.

Issues found:

CustomException on Domain Layer [Pending Framework Update]:

The only way to populate to domain layer Custom Exception was adding @ExperimentalStdlibApi to all classes propagating the Exception. Review in the future the compatibility.

Bluetooth Integration [iOS]:

Unexpected error from Bluefalcon when initializing SDK.

Unit Testing:

Test can only be executed by gradle script, cannot be found in IDE (Gradle->Verification->Test)

Reference links:

Third Parties: