
Golang Micro-services Management

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

What's gohive?

Gohive is a tool to help manage the micro-services driven by golang. Though nowadays dockers should be the best integration friend for golang, it's still useful to run golang applications like PHP(cPanel, Plesk) does where the golang applications are small and simple.


1. OS support

Only Debian/stretch is supported so far. Directory /gohive would be used to store all the application and /gohive.go would be used to store all golang installtions.

2. nginx

The symbol link /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default would be cancelled.

3. git

4. MariaDB

Currently only sock connection is supported. A database called gohive would be occupied.

5. CertBot

6. Golang

GOPATH should be correctly configured. 1.9.2 is tested and recommended.

7. members

members is used to list users under a certain group.

8. sudo

sudo is used to trigger restarting the corresponding service after the git repository is updated.


1. Deploy gohive

I recommend to install gohive on a fresh server.

go get github.com/march1993/gohive
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/march1993/gohive
go build
./gohive -install

Use the generated token to login the web panel.

2. Set up server name

Navigate to http://$SERVER_IP/ and change server name.

3. Set up DNS record

Add a wild-cards record. For example, gohive.example.com is your server, then add a CNAME record of *.gohive.example.com to gohive.example.com. Thus app some_app can be accessed through some_app.gohive.example.com.


cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/march1993/gohive
git pull
go get .
go build
./gohive -install

Application development

When building or running the application, following environment variables should be used.

  • HOST: Host which the application should listen to. Generally it would be
  • PORT: The corresponding port. So far it begins from 2000 and has a limitation of 1024.
  • HOST_PORT: Combined host and port, $HOST:$PORT.
  • DB_HOST: MariaDB host.
  • DB_PORT: MariaDB port.
  • DB_NAME: Database name.
  • DB_USERNAME: Database connection username.
  • DB_PASSWORD: Database connection password.

hello-world example (without database connection)

package main

import (

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, you've requested: %s\n", r.URL.Path)

	http.ListenAndServe(os.Getenv("HOST_PORT"), nil)


  1. Better Web UI
  2. Nginx SSL support
  3. Migration (MariaDB importation/exportation)
  4. CPU/Memory/Disk/Databse usage quota


You can put .gohive.bashrc into the root of your repository to change environments like GOPATH.