
mongoose model unit test generator

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mongoose Model Validator

Works with mocha and chai.


const modelValidator = require('mongoose-model-validator');

describe(Title<String>, modelValidator(model<MongooseModel>, toValidate<Object>[, options<Object>]));

toValidate Syntax

  modelName: <String>,
  plugins: <Array<String(plugin name)>>, // (not fully supported yet)
  schema: {
    required: <Array<String(field name)>>, // required field names
    unique: <Array<String(field name)>>, // required field names
    default: <Object<String(field name), String(value) || Function >>
    enum: <Object<String(field name), Array>>
    min: <Object<String(field name), Number(value)>>
    max: <Object<String(field name), Number(value)>>
    minlength: <Object<String(field name), Number(value)>>
    maxlength: <Object<String(field name), Number(value)>>
    custom: <Object<String(test title), Function>>,
  virtualFields: <Object<String(virtual field name), Function>>,
  methods: <Object<String(method name), Function>>,
  statics: <Object<String(method name), Function || value>>,
  events: <Object<String(method name), Function || null>>,

options Syntax (optional)

  [before: <Function>], // mocha hook (http://mochajs.org/#hooks)
  [after: <Function>], // mocha hook (http://mochajs.org/#hooks)
  [beforeEach: <Function>], // mocha hook (http://mochajs.org/#hooks)
  [afterEach: <Function>], // mocha hook (http://mochajs.org/#hooks)


const expect = require('chai').expect;

const modelValidator = require('mongoose-model-validator');
const Contact = require('server/app/models/user/contact');

describe('Contact ->', modelValidator(Contact, {
    modelName: 'Contact',
    plugins: ['timestamp', 'creator', 'elastic'],
    schema: {
      required: ['field3', 'field4.nested_field3', 'field5'],
      unique: ['field3', 'field4.nested_field1'],
      default: {
        'field3': 'Unknown',
        'field4': (fctToValidate, done) => {
      enum: {
        'types': ['consignee', 'invalid', 'notify'],
        'description': ['K', 'UK'],
      min: {
        'phone': 10,
        'fax': 21,
      max: {
        'phone': 50,
        'fax': 21,
      minlength: {
        'email': 21,
        'name': 2,
      maxlength: {
        'address': 42,
        'email': 42,
      custom: {
        'should throw: Error: done() invoked with non-Error: custom done()': (done) => {
          done('custom done()');
        'should not validate `1` equal `2`': () => {
        'should validate `42` equal `42`': () => {
        'should validate modelName': () => {
    virtualFields: {
      'fullname': (done) => {
        const tmp = MyModel();
        expect(tmp.fullname).to.eql('first Last');
    methods: {
      test: () => {
        const tmp = MyModel();
        expect(tmp.test()).to.eql('method test');
    statics: {
      ROLES: ['consignee', 'shipper', 'notify'],
      // or
      ROLES: () => {
        expect(MyModel.ROLES).to.eql(['consignee', 'shipper', 'notify']);
      test: () => {
        const tmp = MyModel();
        expect(tmp.test()).to.eql('statics test');
    'pre.save': null,
    'pre.remove': () => {
      // do test
}, {
  before: (done) => {
    MyModel.remove().then(() => {
  after: () => {
    console.log('AFTER MyModel');


supported plugins: ['creator', 'elastic', 'file', 'timestamp', 'unique', 'version', 'increment', 'data', 'paginate']


if statics it's a value, you have the choice to pass only the expected value or a function if you want to do custom test.

Methods and Statics

You can overwrite the test for the methods/statics of a plugin used in a model by simply add a test in the methods or statics object.


if value is null, the test will be mark as pending by mocha For the moment the events aren't automatically detected, so if you don't declare it you know be informed that it isn't tested. For the moment use rewire to test


To test asynchronous, simply invoke the callback when your test is complete. By adding a callback (usually named done). (it's mocha callback)

Required field

for field with required is a function, the field is conciderated as required === true


  • required isn't working and a lot of verifications are missing
  • validate: add automatic detection and field in toValidate.schema
  • events: add automatic detection