
Simple Kubernetes deployment for OHIF, DCM4CHe with user authentication

NAMIC Project Week 2019

This repositroy was started as part of the NAMIC project week 30 @ Las Palmas Gran Canaria. It contains some basic Kubernetes yaml files, which can be used to deploy:

  • DCM4CHe pacs
  • OHIF web-based dicom viewer
  • Keycloak open-id-connect user management

Basic steps of installation:

  1. Get Minikube and all dependencies running: https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/minikube/

  2. Go in the repository cd /deployment kubectl apply -f ./*

  3. Watch kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -> all pods should be in the "running" state. This could take some time - don't worry if something is crashing - it will be restarted automatically..

  4. Go to You should see the the login-page. The default credentials are:

  • For the normal login: username: namic password: namic

  • For the keycloak admin login: username: admin password: admin

You can change all passwords with the Keycloak management:

How to use?

The components have the the following urls:

  1. OHIF: (root)
  2. DCM4CHe
  3. Keycloak:
  4. Dicom receiver port is
  5. All data is stored inside the minikube vm (/data_deployment)

To push an example image to DCM4CHE with the dcm4che-tools docker container: sudo docker run --rm --network=host dcm4che/dcm4che-tools:5.15.1 storescu -cDCM4CHEE@ /opt/dcm4che/etc/testdata/dicom

Further steps

  • The HELM deployment is still missing - we will add this later
  • Right now, this will just work in Minikube (IPs, ports etc. are hard-coded)
  • Minikube is pretty slow We should make this compatible with any Kubernetes setup
  • OHIF viewer will be updated
  • Instructions how to add a tls certificate