
Firmware for a midi2cv device

Primary LanguageC++


Firmware for a midi2cv device

libraries needed

MIDIUSB (available in Arduino library manager)
MCP48xx (available in Arduino library manager)
ShiftRegister74HC595 (available in Arduino library manager)
USB_Host_Library_SAMD ( https://github.com/marchingband/USB_Host_Library_SAMD )


Seeeduino XIAO ( https://files.seeedstudio.com/arduino/package_seeeduino_boards_index.json )


  • Install Arduino IDE, and open it
  • click Arduino->preferences
  • beside "Additional Board Manager URLS" click the dialogue, and paste the following URL into it:
  • click tools->board->board manager, search for Seeed SAMD Boards, and install it
  • click tools->board->Seeed SAMD->Seeeduino XIAO
  • click tools->manage libraries
  • search for, and install the following 3 libraries
    • MCP48xx
    • ShiftRegister74HC595
  • open a web browser and navigate to https://github.com/marchingband/USB_Host_Library_SAMD
  • click code->Download Zip, and then unzip this file into /Arduino/libraries
  • now navigate to https://github.com/marchingband/midi2cv
  • click code->Download Zip, and then unzip this file into /Arduino/ (this is your sketch library)
  • in the Arduino IDE open the file Arduino/midi2cv/midi2cv.ino