This wrapper auto-generates itself from the API spec provided by Etsy at
Instead of generating at runtime, it generates itself as the API changes through a set of Github Actions, this means you need to be sure to keep it up to date! You can check if you are up to date by calling {{packagename}}.need_update()
^^^ Planning to implement two update categories, with ones that effect large programmatic changes raising a separate exception to simple method table updates.
By pre-generating the API, this wrapper can take advantage of the typing
module, and stub files to provide autocomplete. Hints for Etsy parameters are planned.
import {{packagename}}
# EtsyPy uses pluggable Requesters, that handle authentication, and pre-processing of requests.
# When initializing the Requester, you must specify the authentication mode:
# oauth_1 | api_key
# api_key authentication mode:
requester = {{packagename}}.rq.EtsyRequester(
api_base_url="" # <-- Without the trailing slash! (is default)
# Oauth 1 authentication mode: <-- Still being figured out, may change aggressively between updates!
oauth_credentials = {{packagename}}.rq.EtsyOauthCredentials(
) # For help getting these credentials, scroll down to the Oauth Helper section.
requester = {{packagename}}.rq.EtsyRequester(
# Now we initialise a client.
etsy_client = {{packagename}}.client.EtsyClient(requester)
# With this client you can call any API method, e.g.
etsy_client.findAllFeaturedListings() # <-- You can find these names listed on the Etsy Documentation.
# URL arguments, like /listings/:listing_id, should be passed into their
# respective methods as positional arguments, in the order that they appear.
# They will be URL-Encoded automatically, but must be passed in as strings.
# Query parameters should be passed into their respective methods as a
# dictionary, through the query_params keyword argument.
"limit": 25,
"offset": 2,
"page": 6,
# POST and PUT requests that contain JSON data should be passed into methods
# through the data kwarg.
# ^^^ I expect problems to arise converting objects, if you find a problem
# please submit an issue.
etsy_client.updateListing("$listing_id", data={
"title": "$product_title",
# If a request fails to complete for technical reasons, it will raise its expected
# exception from the requests library, however if Etsy returns a failed status code, the
# response object will return false on its .ok() method.
# Requests return an rq.EtsyResponse object, with the standard requests.Response object contained within.