
Application to send emails consuming a queue from a RabbitMQ server

Primary LanguageJava

Consumer Email Service

Build Status

This application is an Email Service that consumes requests from a RabbitMQ server and sends mails according with the properties in each message, this properties must be in JSON Format.

Configuration file

Inside of the configuration file there are some properties that need to be set in order to run the application

  • Gmail account
  • RabbitMQ connection

Gmail account

The Gmail account has two parameters, the email direction and password

    host: smtp.gmail.com
    username: some@gmail.com
    password: somepassword

RabbitMQ connection

This connection will provide the queue of messages so that the application read and will send them to the recipients..

    port: 5672
    username: rabbit
    password: rabbit1

Local Run Instructions

  1. mvn install
  2. mvn spring-boot:run

Email sending test

The application can be tested sending a new message to the RabbitMQ Server using a terminale

$ rabbitmqadmin publish exchange=cmsExchange routing_key=user.created \
    properties='{"content_type":"application/json"}' \
    payload='{"name": "Joel Santos", \
    "to":"joelgtsantos@gmail.com", \ 
    "from":"cms@gmail.com", \
    "body":"Welcome to CMS Challenge", \
    "subject":"Signup CMS"}'