
  • Task for a Job.



  • It's necessary download a MongoDB 3.9.0, but you can chance the values in tutorial/ in lines that contains return {"name" : collection.find_one(["Name]) ,, and others because this files and line getting information of the db and collection in mongo.
  • See the tutorial/ This file was used to create some data in mongo. I try to generate a project with pyramid_mongodb but the incompatibility of the pyramid, mongodb versions, so less and old informations not help me.
  • to connects use localhost:27017. It's the defaulf conf and without auth.
  • This is the dict that contains in databases mydb and collection mydb:

   "id": 1, 
   "Name": "Beatles", 
   "Theme": "Rock",
   "id": 2, 
   "Name": "Vardoger", 
   "Theme": "Metal"

Python and Pyramid

  • Create a virtualenv with Python 3.6, enter in virtualenv folder and git clone this repository.
  • Typing cd sitethumbs and in this folder run pip install -e . to download all of python requirements for this project. Some packages cause troubles, just like a pyramid_debugtoolbar. If shows a python message error try pip install pyramid_debugtoolbar or <other_name> depends.
  • Finnaly, execute pserve development --reload to run pyramid server.
  • http://localhost:6543\ it's the default address to acess the firs page. It's contais the Thumbs up and downs count.
  • http://localhost:6543\howdy it's the second. Contains the list of themes and try counts.