
Import GPX for zaliczgmine.pl

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Zalicz Gmine


Incompatibilites with TERYT

As of September 2023 there are 2 differences between official TERYT database and Zalicz Gminę:

  1. "Zielona Góra obszar wiejski" (id 604) and "Zielona Góra obszar miejski" (id 603) were merged (still separate in Zalicz Gminę)
  2. "Ostrowice" (id 2432) was removed from TERYT (because of bankrupcy, area split between Drawsko Pomorskie and Złocieniec)

These municipalities won't be automatically recognized by the scripts (TERYT database contains area coordinates).



% perl gpx2gminy.pl poznan-lodz.gpx
loading gminy
loading gpx
loading zg-teryt map
tracing: poznan-lodz
  # zgid jpt_op teryt   date       nazwa
  1 2289 827292 3064011 2018-07-05 Poznań
  2 2238 827178 3021011 2018-07-05 Luboń
  3 2209 827184 3021072 2018-07-05 Komorniki
  4 2253 827185 3021103 2018-07-05 Mosina
  5 2318 827199 3021143 2018-07-05 Stęszew
  6 2294 827177 3021021 2018-07-05 Puszczykowo
  7 2218 827189 3021093 2018-07-05 Kórnik
  8 2359 827232 3025052 2018-07-05 Zaniemyśl
  9 2225 827235 3025022 2018-07-05 Krzykosy
 10 2252 827270 3030023 2018-07-05 Miłosław
 11 2206 827271 3030012 2018-07-05 Kołaczkowo
 12 2295 827275 3030043 2018-07-05 Pyzdry
 13 2357 827231 3023083 2018-07-05 Zagórów
 14 2306 827378 3010082 2018-07-05 Rzgów
 15 2303 827376 3010073 2018-07-05 Rychwał
 16 2316 827380 3010112 2018-07-05 Stare Miasto
 17 2337 827254 3027073 2018-07-05 Tuliszków
 18 2350 827255 3027092 2018-07-05 Władysławów
 19 2339 827245 3027082 2018-07-05 Turek
 20 2338 827248 3027011 2018-07-05 Turek
 21 2293 827249 3027062 2018-07-05 Przykona
 22 2167 827251 3027033 2018-07-05 Dobra
 23  719 828731 1011022 2018-07-05 Pęczniew
 24  722 828724 1011033 2018-07-05 Poddębice
 25  774 828728 1011062 2018-07-05 Zadzim
 26  754 828800 1019023 2018-07-05 Szadek
 27  770 828656 1003052 2018-07-05 Wodzierady
 28  714 828700 1008072 2018-07-05 Pabianice
 29  694 828829 1061011 2018-07-05 Łódź

Mass upload


% mkdir gpx reports
% cp /somewhere/files*.gpx gpx/

Process GPX files

This script will process all gpx files in gpx/ that don't have corresponding .txt file in reports/

% perl process-all-gpxes.pl
processing: gpx/2018-12-31_13-33-12_3m.gpx -> reports/2018-12-31_13-33-12_3m.txt
loading gminy
loading gpx
loading zg-teryt map
tracing: 2018-12-31_13-33-12_3m
  # zgid jpt_op teryt   date       nazwa
  1 1655 828626 2262011 2018-12-31 Gdynia
  2 1726 827404 2264011 2018-12-31 Sopot
processing: gpx/2019-01-05_14-09-21_Afternoon_Ride_Cycling.gpx -> reports/2019-01-05_14-09-21_Afternoon_Ride_Cycling.txt
loading gminy
loading gpx
loading zg-teryt map
tracing: 2019-01-05_14-09-21_Afternoon_Ride_Cycling.tcx
  # zgid jpt_op teryt   date       nazwa
  1  694 828829 1061011 2019-01-05 Łódź
  2  737 828681 1006103 2019-01-05 Rzgów

Merge reports

This script will process all .txt files from reports/, merge them and create summary in all-reports.txt (sorted by date)

% perl merge-all-reports.pl
processing: reports/2019-01-05_14-09-21_Afternoon_Ride_Cycling.txt
processing: reports/2018-12-31_13-33-12_3m.txt

% head all-reports.txt
694 2011-03-20 # Łódź
678 2011-03-26 # Ksawerów
737 2011-03-26 # Rzgów
759 2011-04-27 # Tuszyn
625 2011-06-03 # Brójce

Post to zaliczgmine.pl

This script takes all-reports.txt and posts it to http://zaliczgmine.pl

% perl post-all-reports-to-zalicz-gmine.pl
zaliczgmine.pl username: marcin.g
zaliczgmine.pl password: 
user: marcin.g (473)
processing: 2011-03-26 - 678,737