
Collects InfluxDB internal monitoring metrics

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

snap collector plugin - influxdb

This plugin collects statistical and diagnostic information about each InfluxDB node. This information can be very useful to assist with troubleshooting and performance analysis of the database itself.

This plugin has ability to gather InfluxDB internal system monitoring information in response to the following commands: SHOW STATS and SHOW DIAGNOSTICS.

The plugin is used in the [snap framework] (http://github.com/intelsdi-x/snap).

  1. Getting Started
  1. Documentation
  1. Community Support
  2. Contributing
  3. License
  4. Acknowledgements

Getting Started

System Requirements

  • Linux 64bit system
  • InfluxDB (version 0.9 or higher)

Operating systems

All OSs currently supported by snap:

  • Linux/amd64


To build the plugin binary:

Fork https://github.com/intelsdi-x/snap-plugin-collector-influxdb

Clone repo into $GOPATH/src/github.com/intelsdi-x/:

$ git clone https://github.com/<yourGithubID>/snap-plugin-collector-influxdb.git

Build the snap influxdb collector plugin by running make within the cloned repo:

$ make

This builds the plugin in /build/rootfs/

Configuration and Usage


To learn more about influxDB System Monitoring, visit:

Global Config

Global configuration file is described in snap's documentation. For this plugin section "influxdb" in "collector" specifing the following options needs to be added (see exemplary configs file):

Name Data Type Description
"host" string hostname of InfluxDB http API
"port" int port of InfluxDB http API (by default 8086)
"user" string user name
"password" string user password

Collected Metrics

List of collected metrics is described in METRICS.md.


Example of running snap influxdb collector and writing data to file.

Run the snap daemon:

$ snapd -l 1 -t 0 --config $SNAP_INFLUXDB_COLLECTOR_PLUGIN_DIR/examples/configs/snap-config-sample.json

Load snap influxdb collector plugin:

$ snapctl plugin load $SNAP_INFLUXDB_COLLECTOR_PLUGIN_DIR/build/rootfs/snap-plugin-collector-influxdb
Plugin loaded
Name: influxdb
Version: 4
Type: collector
Signed: false
Loaded Time: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 09:09:03 UTC

See all available metrics:

$ snapctl metric list

NAMESPACE                                                VERSIONS
/intel/influxdb/diagn/build/Branch                       2
/intel/influxdb/diagn/build/Commit                       2
/intel/influxdb/diagn/build/Version                      2
/intel/influxdb/diagn/network/hostname                   2
/intel/influxdb/diagn/runtime/GOARCH                     2
/intel/influxdb/diagn/runtime/GOMAXPROCS                 2
/intel/influxdb/diagn/runtime/GOOS                       2
/intel/influxdb/diagn/runtime/version                    2
/intel/influxdb/diagn/system/PID                         2
/intel/influxdb/diagn/system/currentTime                 2
/intel/influxdb/diagn/system/started                     2
/intel/influxdb/diagn/system/uptime                      2
/intel/influxdb/stat/engine/1/blks_write                 2
/intel/influxdb/stat/engine/1/blks_write_bytes           2
/intel/influxdb/stat/engine/1/blks_write_bytes_c         2
/intel/influxdb/stat/engine/1/points_write               2
/intel/influxdb/stat/engine/1/points_write_dedupe        2
/intel/influxdb/stat/engine/2/blks_write                 2
/intel/influxdb/stat/engine/2/blks_write_bytes           2
/intel/influxdb/stat/engine/2/blks_write_bytes_c         2
/intel/influxdb/stat/engine/2/points_write               2
/intel/influxdb/stat/engine/2/points_write_dedupe        2
/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/auth_fail                     2
/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/ping_req                      2
/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/points_written_ok             2
/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/query_req                     2
/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/query_resp_bytes              2
/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/req                           2
/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/write_req                     2
/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/write_req_bytes               2
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/Alloc                       2
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/Frees                       2
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/HeapAlloc                   2
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/HeapIdle                    2
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/HeapInUse                   2
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/HeapObjects                 2
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/HeapReleased                2
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/HeapSys                     2
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/Lookups                     2
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/Mallocs                     2
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/NumGC                       2
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/NumGoroutine                2
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/PauseTotalNs                2
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/Sys                         2
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/TotalAlloc                  2
/intel/influxdb/stat/shard/1/fields_create               2
/intel/influxdb/stat/shard/1/series_create               2
/intel/influxdb/stat/shard/1/write_points_ok             2
/intel/influxdb/stat/shard/1/write_req                   2
/intel/influxdb/stat/shard/2/fields_create               2
/intel/influxdb/stat/shard/2/series_create               2
/intel/influxdb/stat/shard/2/write_points_ok             2
/intel/influxdb/stat/shard/2/write_req                   2
/intel/influxdb/stat/write/point_req                     2
/intel/influxdb/stat/write/point_req_local               2
/intel/influxdb/stat/write/req                           2
/intel/influxdb/stat/write/write_ok                      2

Load file plugin for publishing:

$ snapctl plugin load $SNAP_DIR/build/plugin/snap-publisher-file
Plugin loaded
Name: file
Version: 4
Type: publisher
Signed: false
Loaded Time: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 09:16:44 UTC

Create a task JSON file (exemplary files in [examples/tasks/] (https://github.com/intelsdi-x/snap-plugin-collector-influxdb/blob/master/examples/tasks/)):

  "version": 1,
    "schedule": {
      "type": "simple",
      "interval": "1s"
    "workflow": {
      "collect": {
        "metrics": {
          "/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/*": {},
          "/intel/influxdb/stat/write/*": {},
          "/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/Alloc": {},
          "/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/Frees": {},
          "/intel/influxdb/diagn/system/PID" : {}
        "config": {},
        "process": null,
        "publish": [
          "plugin_name": "file",
          "config": {
            "file": "/tmp/published_influxdb_internal_monitoring"

Create a task:

$ snapctl task create -t $SNAP_INFLUXDB_COLLECTOR_PLUGIN_DIR/examples/tasks/influxdb-file.json
Using task manifest to create task
Task created
ID: d4392f17-11f0-4f64-8701-2708f432b50a
Name: Task-d4392f17-11f0-4f64-8701-2708f432b50a
State: Running

See sample output from snapctl task watch <task_id>

$ snapctl task watch d4392f17-11f0-4f64-8701-2708f432b50a

Watching Task (d4392f17-11f0-4f64-8701-2708f432b50a):
NAMESPACE                                        DATA                    TIMESTAMP                                       SOURCE
/intel/influxdb/diagn/system/PID                 16191                   2016-02-26 09:25:47.353886681 +0000 UTC         node-25.domain.tld
/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/auth_fail             63                      2016-02-26 09:25:47.354068464 +0000 UTC         node-25.domain.tld
/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/ping_req              14                      2016-02-26 09:25:47.354073486 +0000 UTC         node-25.domain.tld
/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/points_written_ok     6.69802551e+08          2016-02-26 09:25:47.354137322 +0000 UTC         node-25.domain.tld
/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/query_req             2310                    2016-02-26 09:25:47.354132981 +0000 UTC         node-25.domain.tld
/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/query_resp_bytes      2.0678075e+07           2016-02-26 09:25:47.354113672 +0000 UTC         node-25.domain.tld
/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/req                   6.824003e+06            2016-02-26 09:25:47.354028193 +0000 UTC         node-25.domain.tld
/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/write_req             6.821614e+06            2016-02-26 09:25:47.354095848 +0000 UTC         node-25.domain.tld
/intel/influxdb/stat/httpd/write_req_bytes       7.1455502846e+10        2016-02-26 09:25:47.354105454 +0000 UTC         node-25.domain.tld
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/Alloc               1.07946848e+08          2016-02-26 09:25:47.354209458 +0000 UTC         node-25.domain.tld
/intel/influxdb/stat/runtime/Frees               1.5858776371e+10        2016-02-26 09:25:47.354412092 +0000 UTC         node-25.domain.tld
/intel/influxdb/stat/write/point_req             6.82720753e+08          2016-02-26 09:25:47.354579209 +0000 UTC         node-25.domain.tld
/intel/influxdb/stat/write/point_req_local       6.82720753e+08          2016-02-26 09:25:47.354619612 +0000 UTC         node-25.domain.tld
/intel/influxdb/stat/write/req                   7.000631e+06            2016-02-26 09:25:47.354624219 +0000 UTC         node-25.domain.tld
/intel/influxdb/stat/write/write_ok              7.000823e+06            2016-02-26 09:25:47.354609029 +0000 UTC         node-25.domain.tld

(Keys ctrl+c terminate task watcher)

These data are published to file and stored there (in this example in /tmp/published_influxdb_internal_monitoring).

Stop task:

$ snapctl task stop d4392f17-11f0-4f64-8701-2708f432b50a
Task stopped:
ID: d4392f17-11f0-4f64-8701-2708f432b50a


There isn't a current roadmap for this plugin, but it is in active development. As we launch this plugin, we do not have any outstanding requirements for the next release.

If you have a feature request, please add it as an issue and/or submit a pull request.

Community Support

This repository is one of many plugins in the Snap Framework: a powerful telemetry agent framework.

To reach out to other users, head to the main framework or visit snap Gitter channel.


We love contributions!

There's more than one way to give back, from examples to blogs to code updates. See our recommended process in CONTRIBUTING.md.

And thank you! Your contribution, through code and participation, is incredibly important to us.


Snap, along with this plugin, is an Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 License.
