TS3 Functions [v2.0]
(c) Copyright 2013-2017 by Piotr 'Inferno' Grencel
@author : Piotr 'Inferno' Grencel
@website : http://github.com/inferno211
@contact : inferno.piotr@gmail.com
@date : 07-03-2017
@update : 17-12-2017
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The plugin adds the ability to integrate the account from the TeamSpeak 3 server with the mybb account. In addition, it displays information about users online on the server, and in the profile of the user about his statistics.
`1. Upload files to server. 2. Install plugin in ACP. 3. Create an additional profile reference field below the scheme below:
Name: TS3 identity
Short description: Provide the TS3 identifier which you will find in Tools -> Identities (ctrl + i).
Field type: textbox
Maximum length: 50
Required: no
Show during registration ?: yes
Show in user profile ?: no
Display post in description: no
Visible to: All groups
Editable by: All groups
- Copy the id of the additional field (when editing it, you will find it in the address bar).
- Complete the data to be connected and the field ID in the plugin settings.`