
This is a demo project that demonstrates how serialise and deserialise arrays of objects in Swift using NSCoding protocol.

Primary LanguageSwift

Swift NSCoding Demo

This is a demo project that demonstrates how serialise and deserialise arrays of objects in Swift using NSCoding protocol.

Take a look at the tests that demosntrate how to use serializable abstraction.

I use Nimble for testing. It is installed with Carthage package manager, but to get you start up easily out of the box, everything is inlcuded in the archive. Just clone the project, open in Xcode, and run the tests in the ruyterbTests target.

Cloning and opening the project

git clone https://github.com/marcinczenko/swift-nscoding-demo.git
cd swift-nscoding-demo
open swift-nscoding-demo.xcodeproj
