created with @AChudzik. The idea of this plugin is to perform profiling of your tests. You will be able to see your test execution times sorted in the descending manner together with an information about a module and the class name from which the test was executed.
- aalmirayBasel, Switzerland
- akilman-zzSF Bay Area
- albertotn
- atsu85
- canwe
- costeirs
- davidkravitz
- dbacinskiWarsaw
- dougborg@Apple
- dzwickerWiesbaden
- eissko
- Flatbeat
- golovnin
- hopbitWarsaw
- KacperZielinskiPoland
- keep2iron
- maksimkoJOB TODAY
- piotrpietrzakWarsaw
- Riggs333codecentric AG
- sbennettmcleishPerth, Western Australia
- springyboing
- stigkj@finn-no
- taichiTokyo
- tramsThumbtack
- TristinDavisThrivent Financial