- Setup your env using VVV - https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/VVV
- Add new project using the WordPress Meta Environment https://github.com/WordPress/meta-environment/blob/master/docs/install.md
- Add new site eg. 2018.poznan.wordcamp.test (don't forget to update the vhost entry)
- Go to
within your VVV local structure - Run these commands
git init # since it's not an empty directory
git remote add origin https://github.com/marcinkrzeminski/poznan2018.git
git pull
npm install
# when done working - before push
gulp build # minify and cleanup CSS
- Start contributing
Note: If you have setup the URL for the new site differently than suggested please change the config in the gulpfile.js
Credits: This theme is based on WordCamp Lublin 2017, work by the @netbiel and the whole WC Lublin team. Original repo link: https://github.com/netbiel/lublin2017. Thank you ❤️