
iosdeveloper is a ruby gem that provides a set of commands for accessing Apple Provisionin Portal.
It lets you manage devices and provisioning profiles directly from the command line.
It's perfectly suited for continuous integration servers.

Getting started

Install the gem

gem install iosdeveloper will install iosdeveloper command. You'll be using that command for accessing Provisioning Portal.

Create a config file

iosdeveloper [-c CONFIG_FILE] init -u APPLE_ID -p PASSWORD

If you belong to multiple developer teams you should also provide -t TEAM_NAME flag.


List registered devices

iodeveloper [-c CONFIG_FILE] list-devices

Add a new device

iosdeveloper [-c CONFIG_FILE] add-device DEVICE_NAME DEVICE_ID

List provisioning profiles

iosdeveloper [-c CONFIG_FILE] list-profiles

Install a provisioning profile

iosdeveloper [-c CONFIG_FILE] install-profile PROFILE_NAME