#Hello React and TypeScript
The purpose of this project is to share some of the code samples and examples from the book Hello React and TypeScript by Charles Bryant.
- npm package manager (Node 5.2.0 used in development)
- IE 10+ or similar modern browser that supports the History API
After cloning the repo, open a console at the root path of the repo and run
npm install
npm install tsd -g
tsd install
This will install the required npm packages, TypeScript definition manager and TypeScript Typings.
There is an issue with the gulp package reference and I don't want to rebuild the repo to fix the tags. If you have errors related to Issue #1, run this command
npm install -g "gulpjs/gulp-cli#4.0"
##Development Run
To run the project in browser with automatic reloads on file changes, open a console at the root path of the repo and run
##Production Build
Run a build to release to production (doesn't open in browser, etc.).
gulp production
##Run Tests
gulp test
This will kick off the default gulp task to run all the magic and open the index.html page in a browser.
##Following the Book
If you want to work with specific examples or samples from the book look for the Source Code link near the code or at the beginning of a chapter. It will link to a tagged release where you can get specific revisions of the repository that contain only the changes for the example or sample.