
A repository of jupyter interactions

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Jupyter Interactions repository

This site was created to show off not only interesting maths, programming, and data science, but also the power of Jupyter notebooks. Each notebook is a demonstration of a single concept and makes use of ipywidgets to generate an interactive mini-application within the Jupyter notebook.

Contributing a notebook

To contribute a notebook to the collection, make sure that it follows the structure of the template laid out in template.ipynb and make a Pull Request. Your contribution will then be reviewed by members of the community.

The Website

We have a prototype website for this project at https://mikecroucher.github.io/jupyter-interactions/. This was built during a hackathon session at the Computational Mathematics with Jupyter Workshop in early 2017. Code to generate the site is at https://github.com/christianp/jupyter-interactions-site