Retry function or Promise to handle transient errors.
Easy to use retry behaviour for JavaScript and TypeScript.
npm install trymax
tryMax(numberOfRetries: number).of(func: Function).delay(d: DelayFunction).retryIf(rc: MaybeAsyncFunction).call(...)
tryMax(numberOfRetrier: number, func: Function, options: Options): Function
Returns wrapped function with interface identical to func
- funcArg => funcResult
Options (all are optional):
-(n: number) => number
defines the delay between retries, default:oneSecond
-() => boolean | funcResult
defines if in this retry attempt thefunc
should be executed or not, default:retryAlways
retryCondition The function of retryCondition is being executed between each attempt. If talking about REST request you can check the side-effects before you retry the function, if talking about database queries you can re-establish the connection in case of failure. You can also alter the result by responding arbitrary value (except from boolean).
#!/usr/bin/env ts-node
import axios from 'axios';
import { tryMax } from 'trymax';
const theUrl = 'http://localhost:3000';
async function main() {
const errorProneGet = axios.get;
const transientErrorSafeGet = tryMax(10, errorProneGet);
const resp = await transientErrorSafeGet(theUrl);
wraps a function that returns a promise with retry behavior. The newly returned function has the same interface as the original one, but will retry N times if the original function fails.
See this artificial example with a function that will fail always the first two times:
let counter = 0;
const fail2Times = input => {
if (counter > 2) {
return Promise.resolve(input);
console.log(`fail ${counter}`);
return Promise.reject('fail');
Now if you use tryMax
wrapper you can call this function without worying about those failed attempts:
const { tryMax } = require('trymax');
const fail2TimesAssured = tryMax(3, fail2Times);
const result = await fail2TimesAssured('hello!');
And the console output is:
fail 1
fail 2
Try-catch-like retry block
tryMax(5, async () => {
// some code that may fail
// and you want to auto-retry it at most 5 times
External services
- Retrying REST requests
- Re-establish database connection when it's broken and wait with sending query when the connection is back again
- Improve error mitigation on frontend and retry gently actions