
Web crawler based on Selenium.

Primary LanguagePython


Tested in Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS

Choices I made:

This scanner is based on Selenium and Celery Task Queue and follows Clean Architecture and Clean Code statements. The main reason for Selenium is because the proposed web platform has some fancy tools to block simple scraping, so after some trials and fails I have decided to go for a webdriver (firefox driver was picked since the chrome driver did not perform so well for the task) where I could run a headless browser with Javascript enabled. Celery is because is the tool I am most familiarized with, I can easily debug tasks, also this is a solid and scalable choice where we can easily set our scanner's task rate, have fine control over retries policies, etc...

Project architecture

The project is divided into 4 important pieces, the Scanners which are the "Client" for our services, they implement all logic for different web platforms one wants to scan. Our Entities, composed of Pydantic Base Models to ease our data serialization. Our Use Cases which are the interfaces where we connect all these pieces, use cases are Celery tasks that declares Scanners & Entities & Repositories, these tasks try to handle maximum possible errors and holds our retries policies. Repositories are our adapters for databases/persistence tools.

Scan Flow

We have got 3 main flows, represented by MainPageData, ContactInfoData, ProfilePageData, they are located at application/entities/upwork/page_scans.py, these objects are formed by fields and another objects, which are located at application/entities/upwork/profile.py. Each completed scan adds a key/value data pair in the Scanner, at the end of the flow execution the data collected from each page will be grouped up, to construct the FullScanProfile which represents the final payload that will be saved.

Ways to run the Scanner

There are two ways of running this project, one is using Celery Task Queue, and the other is running the scanner as is, blocking the thread with no fancy concurrent things going on. The first one is more efficient and proper for production environments, the second one is made for testing & development & simplicity purposes. In the next lines, I will go through the process of how to run the project in both situations.

Please, before continuing make sure Mozilla Firefox is installed on your machine, since the Scanner uses Firefox webdriver, it is a requirement.

1. Installing test/dev version locally

Install the dependecies in a python>=3.8.0 environment, in the root folder just do:

  • (python3.8) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

At this point you are good to go for running the scanner in a simpler way, in the root folder one can do:

  • (python3.8) $ python -m run

The above command with run the scanner locally with the creditials provided in the task description, without any of the Celery advantages.

1.1 Installing the complete version locally

For the complete version, we will need to set up a few things before running, for this project I picked Redis to work with Celery. I recommend installing Docker in your environment since it will give an up and running version of Redis in no time, reference on how to install here. With Docker installed, in your terminal type:

  • (python3.8) $ docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis

Now you have a nice version of Redis installed in your machine. The next step is to run our Celery Worker, one can do this by:

  • (python3.8) $ celery -A application worker --loglevel=INFO

After running the worker you can leave it there and open another tab in your terminal. This project comes with a fancy version of the pythons IDLE, it is called ipython. For starting test our worker we will do:

1.2 Running the Scanner

  • (python3.8) $ ipython
  • In [1]: from run import main
  • In [2]: main({'username': 'bobsuperworker', 'password': 'Argyleawesome123!', 'answer': 'Bobworker'}, _async=True)

In your worker, if you were successful you will see some logs like these:

[2021-05-17 12:28:38,794: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: application.use_cases.upwork.scan_upwork[dbc2aa3a-de8d-4d4d-97cb-0f96479b9d27]
[2021-05-17 12:28:38,806: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] application.use_cases.upwork.scan_upwork[dbc2aa3a-de8d-4d4d-97cb-0f96479b9d27]: starting task to scan upwork platform


Tests are located under application/tests and can be executed using pytest application/tests -vv