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Meeting Price Counter

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What is this?

As the name implies, this will be a simple web app where you can count how much money is being spent on a meeting. Just enter the number of attendees, the average salary and click start counting.


This project was created so I could learn more about the elm programming language and TDD.

Minimum requirements

npm install -g elm elm-test

Recommended dependencies

npm install -g elm elm-test elm-oracle elm-format elm-json @elm-tooling/elm-language-server elm-review

How to run the tests

git clone
cd meeting-price-counter-elm

Test coverage report

npm i -g elm-coverage
elm-coverage --open

How to run localy

elm reactor

Then go to http://localhost:8000/src/Main.elm

How to upgrade all dependencies

elm-json upgrade

If you want to update major versions (unsafe upgrade):

elm-json upgrade --unsafe


This project uses elm-review to help find mistakes.


The rules are configured in the review folder.