
A REST + Action Based application showing Spring Boot, Spring REST Docs, Spring Data, Springfox, OWASP Dependency Check and more.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

Spring Boot Example

This project was a simples WEB (REST + Action Based) application using many Spring components.

The goal was to test Spring and some other tools and create a place were people can see them in action and maybe use it as a quick start for other projects.

This repository is not maintained anymore.

Components and plugins used in this demo

  • Spring Boot
  • Spring MVC
  • Spring Data
  • Spring REST Docs
  • Springfox
  • OWASP Dependency Check
  • Checkstyle
  • Gradle Versions Plugin (dependencyUpdates)
  • Domain-enforcer



Please note that this project is deployed on a free heroku tier and may take up to 1 minute to "wake up" the dyno/server on the first request.


  • JDK 11
  • Gradle

How to compile (without dependency security analysis)

  • ./gradlew clean restdoc jacocoTestReport checkstyleMain checkstyleTest build --stacktrace --info --warning-mode=all

How to compile (with dependency security analysis)

  • ./gradlew clean restdoc jacocoTestReport checkstyleMain checkstyleTest dependencyCheckAnalyze build --stacktrace --info --warning-mode=all

The first time you run this command it will take many minutes to execute, since it will download the NDC database. The second time should be much faster.

Test reports

After compiling the project with one the commands above, a new test report will be available at:

  • build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html

Dependency security analysis

When compiling the project (with dependency security analysis), the report of known vulnerabilities will be available at:

  • build/reports/security-report/dependency-check-report.html

Checkstyle report

After compiling, a checkstyle report (according to the rules defined at config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml) will be generated at:

  • build/reports/checkstyle/main.html
  • build/reports/checkstyle/test.html

Checking for outdated dependencies

  • ./gradlew dependencyUpdates -Drevision=release --stacktrace --info --warning-mode=all

Listing the dependencies tree

  • ./gradlew dependencies --stacktrace --info --warning-mode=all

Starting the server

Spring Boot uses the concept of "fat jar". The entire application server is self contained in a jar file. To start the server, run:

  • java -jar build/libs/spring-boot-example-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Or, if you prefer, you may compile and start the application server using the bootRun command such as:

  • ./gradlew clean restdoc jacocoTestReport bootRun --stacktrace --info --warning-mode=all

Known issues

  • The current version of the H2 database has a security flaw and do not recommend using it in production. More details can be seen by executing the script "generateDependencyCheckAnalyzerReport.sh".