
ESP8266 Arduino nodes and Gateway to Thingspeak

Primary LanguageC++

#Ultra Low Cost LoRa Gateway with ESP8266 module

This project was based on the work of professor Congduc Pham's "Low Cost LoRa Gateway" project, available in https://github.com/CongducPham/LowCostLoRaGw

It uses low cost (US$2) ESP8266 ESP-12 and LoRa modules with the chip Semtech SX1276 or HOPERF's RFM95W modules (about US$8). The same modules are used for both sensor nodes and the gateway, but in the sensor nodes the WiFi support is disabled to lower the power consumption to less than 250 microamperes.

Arduino modules, like Pros (3.3V), can still be used on sensor nodes.

The original gateway project (based on RPI) was very simplified in this version to adapt to ESP8266 modules, with only Thingspeak support for while. In the example, the gateway transmits to Thingspeak site three fields, with RSSI, SNR and the ADC voltage each 10 minutes. After the transmition, the nodes enters in "deeepsleep" mode.

An example channel with two sensors in Thingspeak is https://thingspeak.com/channels/181180

The original SX1272 library was changed to include "yield()" statements in the receive process loop. This statement free the processor to do other tasks, avoiding crashes.

The connection to the HopeRF RFM95W LoRa Module is made using the standard SPI pins on ESP8266 (12(MISO),13(MOSI),14(SCK) and 15(CS)), but the CS pin can be changed in sx1272.h file.

ESP-12 ---------- LoRa RFM95W

GND ----------------- GND

D13 ----------------- SCK

D12 ----------------- MISO

D11 ----------------- MOSI

D15 ----------------- MSS

VCC (3.3V)----------- VCC

The ESP12 CH_PD pin must have to be pull-up to VCC with a 4K7 resistor, D0 and D15 to GND with 10K resistors. Also there a need to jump D16 and Reset and pull-up with a single 10K resistor to VCC to enable the "deepsleep" function on the sensor nodes (not the Gateway).

The support for compiling the ESP8266 code on the Arduino IDE is documented in https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino