
CoAP Server with resources

Primary LanguageC


CoAP Server

Based on Project by Kiril Petrov (https://github.com/retfie)

programmed using Erbium for CoAP used in Contiki-OS (https://www.contiki-os.org)

for current repositories on Contiki OS official repository link (https://github.com/contiki-os/contiki)

Available resources:

CONFIG Parameters : GET, POST

Configuring the IP sink address, Posting interval and Sink Path

GET config?param=ip

should return the sinks IP address

POST config?param=ip (new sink address)

should update the mote to a new sink address

 GET config?param=interval 

should return a number with units of Seconds eg. 10 means 10 seconds

 POST config?param=interval (number) 

should change the posting interval

 GET config?param=path 

should return /SINK as an idea of what the IP address is titled.

 POST config?param=path (name-of-path)

should change the path name to the mentioned one.


Returns battery value in form of xxxx mV

Routing Information using rplinfo

RPL info : GET

Returns the Parent information when

GET rplinfo/parents
if the Node has parent/s will return eg. 1

to access the parent information: use

GET rplinfo/parents?index=0

TIP: when the returned information is eg. 1 use GET on index=0 as index=1 will return.


For Multihop network

GET rplinfo/route

it should return values 1 or 2 according the Physical setup. Hence if there are two available parents in a multihop network, the GET will return '2' which means to obtain the information use the GET with index = 0 or 1

Similar to Parents info method use

GET rplinfo/route?index=0 or 1 
to return the Destination Address

coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:1c8]:5683/> get rplinfo/routes?index=0

if the Node is within the Border Router range it will return the Address of the BORDER ROUTER.


will return the LQI and RSSI values according to the query index param eg:

 GET radio?param=lqi 
should return some value of LQI
 GET radio?param=rssi
should return some values of RSSI

NEW: Adding the LPM (Low Transmit Power Module) for testing Multi-Hop networks.

To Access CoAP Server Resources:

Use of SMCP which has command line interface.

(Note: there seems to be some Problem at present when using the Copper Plugin in Mozilla Firefox).

for further info on SMCP : https://github.com/darconeous/smcp/

The CoAP server keeps posting the following :

{"eui":"aabbccddeeff", "count"=yy,"tmp102:jj.kkkk C"}

according to the 'interval' query in CONFIG parameter.

By default the time interval is 30 seconds but that could be changed using the following line:

~$ smcpctl coap://[Sensor IPv6 address]:5683/config?param=interval 3600 

the above will configure the server to post the data every one hour (60 * 60 = 3600 seconds).

The Sink address is : bbbb::101 is a Linux PC (Ubuntu) connected to the Sensor Network via the 6LBR border router solution by CETIC.

for further information (https://github.com/cetic/6lbr/wiki).

The sink is hence connected to the linux pc using a ethernet cable to a Raspberry Pi which runs the 6LBR on it and a Zolertia Z1 mote works as a SLIP-Radio which sniffs packets from the sensor network and then passes them to the Raspberry Pi.

NOTE: Raspberry pi runs on the ROUTER mode and check if the SLIP radio is connected on the ttyUSB0 port on the Raspberry Pi not on the Linux PC

ls -l /dev/ttyUSB*

the important lines to establish with the Raspberry Pi 6LBR are following

	sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.eth0.accept_ra=1
	sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.eth0.accept_ra_rt_info_max_plen=64

	sudo ip -6 addr add bbbb::101/64 dev eth0
	sudo route -A inet6 add aaaa::/64 gw bbbb::100

to check connectivity ping the 6LBR

 ping6 bbbb::100

also use a Web Browser to access the Border Router's webpage.


Capture check: Use the most current Wireshark Version 1.12.3 (v1.12.3-0-gbb3e9a0 from master-1.12) and capture packets on eth0 and observe the CoAP packets.


	Rime started with address
	MAC c1:0c:00:00:00:00:01:c8 Ref ID: 4979
	Contiki-2.6-2343-g06f7acf started. Node id is set to 456.
	CSMA ContikiMAC, channel check rate 8 Hz, radio channel 26
	Tentative link-local IPv6 address fe80:0000:0000:0000:c30c:0000:0000:01c8
	Starting 'CoAP Server'
	Button SensorSensor configuration: 
	Magic number: 5448
	Post Interval: 30 
	IP Address: [bbbb:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0101]
	---- post count = 0
	buf:{"eui":"c10c0000000001c8","count":0"tmp102":" 0.0000 C"}
	---- post count = 1
	buf:{"eui":"c10c0000000001c8","count":1"tmp102":" 30.7500 C"}

Note: the initial 0.0000 C is due to initialization of the sensor. can be considered Garbage.

OUTPUT USING SMCPCTL in Ubuntu Terminal:

~$ smcpctl coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:7b]:5683/
Listening on port 61616.
coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:7b]:5683/> get .well-known/core
;ct=40,;title="Config Parameters"; rt= "Data",;title="Config Parameters"; rt= "Data",;title="Battery status";rt="Battery",;title="RADIO: ?param=lqi|rssi";rt="RadioSensor",;title="PARENT INFO"; rt = "Data",;title="RPL ROUTE INFO"; rt="Data"
coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:7b]:5683/> get config?param=interval
coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:7b]:5683/> get config?param=ip
coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:7b]:5683/> get config?param=path
coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:7b]:5683/> get battery
1993 mV
coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:7b]:5683/> get radio?param=lqi
coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:7b]:5683/> get radio?param=rssi
coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:7b]:5683/> get rplinfo/parent
get: Result code = 132 (NOT_FOUND)
coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:7b]:5683/> get rplinfo/parents
coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:7b]:5683/> get rplinfo/parents?index=0
coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:1c8]:5683/> get rplinfo/routes?index=0

Using SMCP a simple coap-server is made on the linux pc which listens to the CoAP port of 5683 and responds to the incoming COAP_POST from the CoAP server on Zolertia Z1 and responds with an ACK to the node back and the con_ok in the node is set to 1 which assures the posting message was received by the SINK.

when the following command is executed in the folder smcp/src/examples (Will upload the file and complete folder soon! )


the output is shown below:

	Listening on port 5683
{"eui":"c10c00000000007b","count":0"tmp102":" 0.0000 C"}
{"eui":"c10c0000000001c8","count":0"tmp102":" 0.0000 C"}
{"eui":"c10c00000000007b","count":1"tmp102":" 29.4375 C"}
{"eui":"c10c00000000007b","count":1"tmp102":" 29.4375 C"}
{"eui":"c10c0000000001c8","count":1"tmp102":" 30.0625 C"}
{"eui":"c10c00000000007b","count":1"tmp102":" 29.4375 C"}
{"eui":"c10c00000000007b","count":1"tmp102":" 29.4375 C"}
{"eui":"c10c0000000001c8","count":2"tmp102":" 30.1250 C"}

Hence the Port number 5683 is now busy at listening to what the server is sending and giving a RESPONSE back. The response needs to be sent back to the Sensor node because of a CON (Confirmable Type) POST. The server anticipates an Acknowlegdement which the Linux PC running the smcp coap-server provides.


1. Making database of all sensor data.
  1. need to use this data printed on the gnome terminal for a simple UI.


1. added LPM (low transmit power) for checking multi-hop. 2. changed the temperature acquiring by using TMP-102 (in-built) sensor 3. added the serial output of sensor. 4. added route example for multi-hop scheme. 5. will save the incoming post in a data-collect.txt in folder smcp/src/examples.