
GeoStyler-Style-Parser implementation for Mapbox

Primary LanguageTypeScriptBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


GeoStyler-Style-Parser implementation for Mapbox

Important Notes

Since mapbox works with spritesheets, geostyler-mapbox-parser is only capable of handling sprites/icons if the application that is using the parser implements following API:

GET /sprites/?name&baseurl

  • name - name of the sprite in the spritesheet corresponding json
  • baseurl - baseurl for retrieving spritesheet and sprite json

The endpoint MUST return a reference to a single image.

Mapbox Styles require the properties sources (root property) and source (layers property). geostyler-mapbox-parser only parses style related properties to keep a clear separation between style and data. Thus, sources and source have to be added to the created styleobject after parsing, manually. See code snippet below for an example implementation of a wrapper function.

 * Example wrapper function that maps a source to the corresponding
 * layer based on layer id. Expects a mapper object with key value
 * pairs in the format of "layerId:'sourceName'".
function wrapper(sources, mapper, style) {
  if (typeof style === 'undefined') {
  if (typeof mapper === 'undefined') {
    return style;
  if (typeof sources === 'undefined') {
    return style;

  style.sources = sources;
  style.layers.forEach(l => {
    l.source = mapper[l.id];
  return style;

// required mapper object where the key refers to the layer id
// and the value to the source name.
var mapper = {
  "water": "mapbox-streets"

// mapbox sources object
var sources = {
  "mapbox-streets": {
    "type": "vector",
    "url": "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-streets-v6"

// mapbox style object
var mbStyle = {
  version: 8,
  layers: [...]

var wrappedStyle = wrapper(sources, mapper, style);

How to use


import MapboxParser from "geostyler-mapbox-parser";

const pointSimplePoint = {
  name: "My Style",
  rules: [
      name: "My Rule",
      symbolizers: [
          kind: "Mark",
          wellKnownName: "Circle",
          color: "#FF0000",
          radius: 6

const parser = new MapboxParser();

  .then(mbStyle => console.log(mbStyle))
  .catch(error => console.log(error));


const pointSimplePoint = {
  name: "My Style",
  rules: [
      name: "My Rule",
      symbolizers: [
          kind: "Mark",
          wellKnownName: "Circle",
          color: "#FF0000",
          radius: 6
var parser = new GeoStylerMapboxParser.MapboxStyleParser();
  .then(function(mbStyle) {
  catch(function(error) {