
This serves as a pre-requisite repository and installation for the ARGoS-Crazyflie Python Wrapper that is based from the work of Daniel H. Stolfi and Gregoire Danoy.

Please cite the works of Stolfi and Danoy using this paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.16948 To use and view the original gitlab repository: https://gitlab.uni.lu/adars/crazyflie

This was developed in order to easily link the ARGoS-Crazyflie Python Wrapper with additional sensors and actuators developed by Marck Herzon Barrion.

New Additions:

  1. Proximity Sensor (Multi-ranger Deck)
  2. Ground Sensor (IR-based sensor)

Compiling the code

Make sure you have ARGoS >= 3.0.0-beta52 installed!

  1. Proceed to root directory of the project.


mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../src
sudo make install

If ARGoS does not find the new robot, try:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../src -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local

or alternatively,


For Debug builds:

  1. Go to /examples directory
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

Running Examples

To run the examples, go to the /examples directory of the project and run any of the codes below.

  1. Proximity Sensor
argos3 -c src/experiments/crazyflie_proximity.argos
  1. Battery Sensor and Model
argos3 -c src/experiments/crazyflie_battery.argos
  1. Position Actuator and Sensor
argos3 -c src/experiments/crazyflie_position.argos
  1. Speed Actuator and Sensor
argos3 -c src/experiments/crazyflie_speed.argos
  1. LED Actuator
argos3 -c src/experiments/crazyflie_led.argos
  1. Crazyflie LUA
argos3 -c src/experiments/crazyflie_lua.argos