
Helm plugin to generate an autocompletion script that supports helm2 and helm3 at the same time

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Helm completion2and3 plugin

This plugin allows shell completion to work for both Helm v2 and Helm v3 at the same time. It targets users that need to run both Helm versions while transitioning from v2 to v3.


This plugin works with either Helm v2 or Helm v3. You can install it in which ever version you prefer. I recommend installing it with v2 since once your v2 to v3 migration is finished, you will not need this plugin anymore.

helm plugin install https://github.com/marckhouzam/helm-completion2and3


The plugin will generate an autocompletions script that will work for both helm2 and helm3 together. That script must be sourced in the bash or zsh shells you will use with helm.

To generate the script that must be sourced:

$ helm completion2and3 <bash|zsh> <helm2> <helm3>

where helm2 is the way you use to invoke Helm v2 and helm3 is the way you use to invoke Helm v3. It must be possible to call helm2 and helm3 directly. For example they can be specified as absolute or relative paths to the helm binaries, they could be binary names found on $PATH or they could be aliases referring to the helm binaries.

For example if you have binaries such that:

$ helm version -c
Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.16.0-rc.2", GitCommit:"e13bc94621d4ef666270cfbe734aaabf342a49bb", GitTreeState:"clean"}

$ helm3 version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.0.0-rc.1", GitCommit:"ee77ae3d40fd599445ebd99b8fc04e2c86ca366c", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.13.3"}

You can then do:

$ source <(helm completion2and3 bash helm helm3)

Bash 3

Bash 3, which is the version on MacOS, does not support sourcing a file using <(). Instead, you can do:

$ helm completion2and3 bash helm helm3 > comp.sh
$ source comp.sh
$ rm comp.sh