
Project "Smart Calculator" from JetBrainsAcademys Kotlin Developer Track

Primary LanguageKotlin

Jetbrains Academy - Smart Calculator

My solutions for the Jetbrains Academy Problem Smart Calculator


The solution is build up step by step over several stages. Stage 1 is the first and simple one. The following stages build up on the previous stages and get more and more advanced. There are eight stages in total.

Because each stage is completely independent of the previous one, IntelliJ might show some warnings about duplicated code between the stages.

Stage 1/8

click here to see description @ JetBrains Academy

We can add two numbers.

just execute this:

gradle -PmainClass=stage1.MainKt run --console=plain

1 9

Stage 2/8

click here to see description @ JetBrains Academy

We add a loop. User has to input /exit to leave program.

just execute this:

gradle -PmainClass=stage2.MainKt run --console=plain

3 8


Stage 3/8

click here to see description @ JetBrains Academy

We show a help message when the user enters /help.

just execute this:

gradle -PmainClass=stage3.MainKt run --console=plain

4 5 6

The program calculates the sum of numbers

Stage 4/8

click here to see description @ JetBrains Academy

We add minus operation and basic logic for repeated plus or minus signs.

just execute this:

gradle -PmainClass=stage4.MainKt run --console=plain

12 -- 3 +++ 5

Stage 5/8

click here to see description @ JetBrains Academy

We add logic to recognize illegal expressions.

just execute this:

gradle -PmainClass=stage5.MainKt run --console=plain

23 + 4 - abc
Invalid expression
Invalid expression

Stage 6/8

click here to see description @ JetBrains Academy

We add variables! For debug purposes enter /v to show all variables.

just execute this:

gradle -PmainClass=stage6.MainKt run --console=plain

a + b


{a=3, b=5}

Stage 7/8

click here to see description @ JetBrains Academy

We add parenthesis and power operator ^! Internally we convert infix notation to reverse polish notation.

just execute this:

gradle -PmainClass=stage7.MainKt run --console=plain

a = 4
b = 5
c = 11
a * ( c - b )

a ^ 3

Stage 8/8

click here to see description @ JetBrains Academy

Now we use BigInteger, so we can deal with large numbers.

just execute this:

gradle -PmainClass=stage8.MainKt run --console=plain

a = 1234567890
b = 1122345679012234567890
a * b