
Project "Version Control System" from JetBrainsAcademys Kotlin Developer Track

Primary LanguageKotlin

Jetbrains Academy - Version Control System

My solutions for the Jetbrains Academy Problem 'Version Control System'


The solution is build up step by step over several stages. Stage 1 is the first and simple one. The following stages build up on the previous stages and get more and more advanced. There are four stages in total.

Because each stage is completely independent of the previous one, IntelliJ might show some warnings about duplicated code between the stages.

Stage 1

click here to see description @ JetBrains Academy

Just display a usage info about all possible commands for our little SVCS.

just execute this:

gradle -PmainClass=stage1.MainKt run --console=plain

These are SVCS commands:
config     Get and set a username.
add        Add a file to the index.
log        Show commit logs.
commit     Save changes.
checkout   Restore a file.

Stage 2

click here to see description @ JetBrains Academy

Commands 'add' and 'config' have been added.

just execute this:

gradle -PmainClass=stage2.MainKt run --console=plain --args='add file1'

Cant find 'file1'.

gradle -PmainClass=stage2.MainKt run --console=plain --args='config username'

The username is username.

Stage 3

click here to see description @ JetBrains Academy

Commands 'commit' and 'log' have been added.

just execute this:

gradle -PmainClass=stage3.MainKt run --console=plain

Stage 4

click here to see description @ JetBrains Academy

Command 'checkout' has been added.

just execute this:

gradle -PmainClass=stage4.MainKt run --console=plain