Why ?

App will give us control over our stream with OBS. Will connect to OBS via websockets, exposed by: https://github.com/Palakis/obs-websocket, from JS perspective we use: https://github.com/haganbmj/obs-websocket-js

The process of building this app will be shared on twitch: www.twitch.tv/mrckdev.

Functionality scope of the app, will also be addresed there, but feel free to contribute, write issues, and feature request.


git clone git@github.com:marckraw/stream-helper.git

Install dependencies


Run whole setup (NextJS react part + Electron part), run

yarn start

it will run yarn run dev - for next, and will run electron . for Electron.

After a while BrowserWindow will be opened with NextJS hot reloaded app.

Websockets protocol documentation

obs-websocket Protocol