Deep Learning

This is the Deep Learning part of the Unsupervised Learning Course of the Master in High-Performance Computing (SISSA/ICTP)

Main Topics

First Part

  • Artificial neural networks
  • Train, validate and test a deep learning model
  • Convolutional neural networks
  • Elementary aspects of unsupervised deep learning models

Second Part

  • Introduction to the basics of representation learning
  • Autoencoders
  • Variational autoencoders


  • Alessio Ansuini (First Part)
  • Alberto Cazzaniga (Second Part)

Institute: Research and Technology Institute, AREA Science Park)

Notebooks of the First Part are gently made available by Marco Zullich (PhD student in Industrial and Information Engineering at University of Trieste)

Detailed Syllabus of the First Part

Day 1

  • The artificial neuron
  • Possiblities and limitations of a single neuron
  • Linear layer
  • Non-linearities
  • Fully connected architectures
  • Softmax layer
  • Cross-entropy loss and the MLE principle

Sources (see below): Michael Nielsen's online book, PyTorch Tutorials

Day 2

  • Stochastic gradient descent
  • Optimization
  • Regularization
  • Data augmentation

Sources: Michael Nielsen's online book, PyTorch Tutorials

Day 3

  • Convolutional networks basics
  • Transfer learning

Michael Nielsen's online book, image kernels, PyTorch Tutorials

Day 4

  • What is a "good representation"?
  • From Principal Component Analysis to Autoencoders
  • Autoencoders: construction, properties and drawbacks

Day 5

  • The objective of VAEs
  • Construction and loss function
  • Reparameterization trick and learning algorithm

Two different and somewhat complementary references are [Doersch] and [Kingma, Welling].


You might want to start to take a look at [Ding, et al.].


There are excellent free resources to deepen your knowledge on topics such as Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning and more in general Artificial Intelligence.

Here is a selection of very good ones.

Books for free

Courses for free

Websites and Blogs

YouTube channels