
This project was done for shutting down household appliances by checking the instantaneous absorption in the house, to avoid the general meter shutdown.


- Version: 1.1 -

Never without power again

This project was done for shutting down household appliances by checking the instantaneous absorption in the house, to avoid the general meter shutdown.

When the instantaneous consumption is greater than the set value, for a customizable time, automation comes into play that performs checks to the selected entities:

  • If the entity is available and not in on.

  • If the entity's device is associated with a sensor with device class power it will check if the power draw is greater than 15 w. If less, the device is considered off, otherwise on and will be added to the list of devices to be turned off. In the absence of the device_class it will just see the status of the group entity (on/off).

    This in my opinion is a nice part of the project because we imagine that we are controlling a washing machine, generally we leave the switch on, even if the washing machine is off and thanks to the absorption control we can see if it is really running.

Once filtered the appliances will start to turn off one at a time respecting the order of the selection and the set waiting time.

When the process is finished and consumption is within limits for a customizable time, the turned off appliances will be turned back on (from the last one turned off to the first one).

You can receive a notification for each automation step (Push, TTS, Alex).


As a first step, you need to enter the pkg_consumption_control_and_appliance_management.yaml in the folder package, restart HomeAssistant and import the project.
In case you cannot import the file into the packages it is possible to replicate the entities maintaining the entity_id


    initial: 'off'

    initial: 'none'
    max: 255 

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

This is my first project that I'm sharing, and I haven't yet found a way to avoid using external helpers.

Changelog Version: 1.1

  • Only the text selector has been eliminated and replaced with a select that allows language selection in English and Italian.
  • Changed input descriptions with Italian, English translation
