
Grakn Benchmarking System

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Benchmark is a piece of software used for generating data and measuring the performance of Grakn. It is composed of two main components:

  1. GraknBenchmark, used to run one of the two use cases (done using the runner package):

    1. Generate data to different scales and profile performances with different sizes of graph
    2. Profile an existing graph
  2. Web Dashboard, used for visualising the benchmark results (done using the dashboard package)


  1. Download Elasticsearch

  2. Download Zipkin

  3. Install pipenv (for dashboard)

  4. Install the requirements of benchmark-dashboard:

    $ cd $BENCHMARK/dashboard
    $ pipenv install


We use temporary helper scripts to start Benchmark from scratch on a local machine:

  1. external-dependencies/setup.sh will download and start Elasticsearch and Zipkin
  2. ./benchmark --config=path-to-config will start generating data and profiling graph at different scales
  3. ./benchmark --no-data-generation -k an-existing-keyspace-name will profile an existing keyspace, skipping the data generation

NOTE: for the time being you will need to manually kill Elasticsearch and Zipkin once you're done with benchmakring. (jps followed by kill ... should do)

Using Benchmark

1. Start Elasticsearch & Zipkin

In the Elasticsearch installation directory, do:

$ ./bin/elasticsearch -E path.logs=<REPOSITORY_PATH>/data/elasticsearch/logs -E path.data=<REPOSITORY_PATH>/data/data/elasticsearch/

Check if Elasticsearch is running by accessing http://localhost:9200 from the browser.

In the Zipkin installation directory, do:

$ STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch ES_HOSTS=http://localhost:9200 ES_INDEX="benchmarking" java -jar zipkin.jar

Check if Zipkin is running by accessing http://localhost:9411/zipkin/ from the browser.

NOTE: For development purpose, you may find it easier to start Zipkin backed with an in-memory store as opposed to ElasticSearch:

$ java -jar zipkin.jar

2. Benchmark With GraknBenchmark

We define YAML config files to execute under benchmark/conf/somedir

The entry point to rebuild, generate, and name executions of config files is run.py

Basic usage:

benchmark --config grakn-benchmark/src/main/resources/societal_config_1.yml --execution-name query-plan-mod-1 --keyspace benchmark --ignite-dir /Users/user/Documents/benchmarking-reqs/apache-ignite-fabric-2.6.0-bin/


  • Naming the execution not required, default name is always prepended with current Date and name tag in the YAML file
  • Keyspace is not required, defaults to name in the YAML file

Further examples:

Adding new spans to measure code segments

  • On the server, the intended usage is as follows:

Then add a child span that propogates in thread-local storage

    ScopedSpan childSpan = null;
    if (ServerTracingInstrumentation.tracingActive()) {
        childSpan = ServerTracingInstrumentation.createScopedChildSpan("newchild");
    ... code to time/instrument further ...
    if (childSpan != null) {

Some packages in grakn.core are not currently depending on benchmark.lib which contains the instrumentation. In the dependencies.yaml make sure

        version: ...
        lang: java

is present, and in the BUILD file this dependency is referenced.

3. Visualise Results In Benchmark-Dashboard

The visualisation dashboard reads ElasticSearch and creates graphs via Dash and Plotly.

Getting it up and running requires pipenv and Python >=3.6.0

  1. pipenv shell (may need to modify the python_version = "3.6" if the python version is newer/not quite the same. Alternatively manage the python version with pyenv.
  2. In the dashboard/ directory, run python dashboard.py
  3. Navigate to http:localhost:8050 to see the dashboard

The box plots are individually clickable to drill down, bar charts (default if only 1 repetition is being displayed) cycle through drill downs on each click.