
Simple Kotlin + Spring Boot + GraphQl + MongoDB webserver

Primary LanguageKotlin

Nani GraphQL web server

Boilerplate Project creating a GraphQL Web Server with SpringBoot, Kotlin and MongoDB.

WARNING: This is not prod ready


With docker

To test the application you can run docker-compose up to run a container with MongoDB and another one with a webserver .


To run manually you need to have

  • mongodb instance running on your machine
  • java 8 or above installed

After cloning the project, run ./gradlew bootRun to test the development version or ./gradlew clean build to generate a .jar file in build/libs/my-app.jar which can be executed with java -jar ./build/libs/my-app.jar


Use the GraphQL interactive console (graphiql) by accessing http://localhost:9000.

There you can make queries to list of snacks and its reviews. We have implemented a CRUD for stacks and reviews.