This workshop is intended to be run on a machine with GPU support & uses jupyter notebooks to interactively run the code. However, also a non-GPU (CPU) version is available which runs fairly quick on a standard pc / laptop.
The goal of the workshop is to use Keras to build a CNN on a small data set. The idea is to become familiar with how to set up Keras and to train a model.
If you want to set up an AWS GPU instance, the neccessary steps are described in:
If you just want to run it on your local machine (CPU version) you can use this docker image:
- docker run -it tensorflow/tensorflow:nightly-devel-gpu-py3 bash
- pip install keras
To run model with Cats & Dogs you may get the images here here:
To run model with MNIST data (CPU version), the data can be downloaded from within Keras.
To run model with Elephant / Zebra data, a specific Zooniverse AMI has to be used (not available for the public).
The GPU notebook is: CNN_Workshop_GPU.ipynb
The CPU notebook is: CNN_Workshop_CPU.ipynb