
Docebo test by Marco Cante

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Docebo Test by Marco Cante

✋️ Welcome

Hi, I'm Marco Cante and this is my Docebo test repository. I have to implement a reusable carousel component without JS libraries and frameworks and with a well commented/structured code.

I'm sincere: I have done the job quickly due to lack of time. For this reason i don't implemented some features that I would have liked to implement, like animations, transitions, unit test etc.

I hope that can be a good job for you!

😸️ Demo page

You can download the repository on your pc and see the project:

  1. git clone git@github.com:marco476/docebo-test.git
  2. Go in docebo-test directory with your file manager and open index.html in your browser!

💻️ Develop and build

I developed a little and easy build system with Webpack for build JS/SASS assets. You can build the library in two way:

  1. npm run build:dev for develop build
  2. npm run build:prod for production build

For develop mode, you can use Webpack watch mode:

  • npm run watch

💅️ Linter and prettier

Like you can see in the package.json, i used prettier and eslint as code formatter and javascript linter. You can use it with:

  • npm run prettier
  • npm run lint

You can see configurations files in the root project:

  • .eslintrc
  • .prettierrc
  • .prettierignore

I use Git hooks with husky and lint-staged in the pre-commit for automate some tasks like production build and prettier!

👊️ Why Typescript?

I read several times this lines:

Javascript code must be properly structured and well commented

The usage of ECMAScript 2015 new constructs (templates, classes, Promises), code building tools [...] if the candidate is applying for a senior role.

So, i thought: typescript it's perfect for me, for this reasons:

  1. I can develop a robust/solid code with strong types
  2. I can describe the library and data models with Interface and Type
  3. I can prove my typescript skills
  4. I think that structure modeling and design with typescript is much more better that simple JS for scalability, code quality, strong types, errors avoiding and so on
  5. I love Typescript ❤️

🙏️ Thanks!

Thank you for the opportunity and for your interest in me.

Have a good day!

Marco Cante