A solid high-performance Static Site Generator # annotation procsesing idea ..\..\generated\source\apt\main\ ..\..\generated\source\apt\test\ - proxy: pattern: /d/{id}-{title}-{lastname}-{firstname} wenn ---- proxy: data: data.docs pattern: ${id}-${title}-${lastname} dummy: firstName: Hans lastName: Franz id: 1 ------------- <p>${firstName}</p> <p>${LastName</p> wenn: if (proxy)... validate(); dara == liste && pattern == there restartRendering() how. throw exception..vielleicht kann man hashmodeladapter reinpushen... [data] == liste pattern= replace. kleines freemarker template. on the fly. replace und zurueck. dummy: take whole dummy object....wrap it in hashmodel adapter..maybe add it to the list of things to render..