
This is a demo repository containing two Pluto notebooks that are automatically converted to HTML by a github action, and published to github pages! 🌝

See the github pages deployment of this repository:

More info here:

Don't use the code in this repository for your own project just yet.

How to use the template (WIP, do not use yet)

πŸ‘‰ Step 1

Create a GitHub account, and click on "Use this template" (TODO fonsi update link). Choose a new name!

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πŸ‘‰ Step 2

Click on Add files, and then Upload files. In the next page, upload your .jl notebook files.

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Your notebooks will run on github every time that you update the files in this repository. To check the progress, click on "Actions", you will find the workflow for the last commit.

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Wait for the Action to finish running your notebook.

πŸ‘‰ Step 3

Go to the "Settings" page of your repository, and scroll down to "GitHub Pages". For the "Source", choose gh-pages. Wait a minute for everything to initialize, and the URL to your web page will be shown!

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Update notebook files

To update an existing notebook file, simply repeat Step 2 above! (You can also use Add files > Upload files to update upload a file that already exists on the repository.)


Julia Packages

When your notebook runs on github, no packages are installed. To solve this, you need to declare a package environment inside the notebook, using Pkg.

For example, instead of:

using Plots
using PlutoUI

You should write:

    import Pkg
    # activate a clean environment

        # ... keep adding your packages

    using Plots
    using PlutoUI
    # ... place all usings and imports into this one cell

Important to note:

  • Place the Pkg commands and the imports in the same cell.
  • You can use the same setup when running your notebook locally. Julia will re-use existing package installations, so this will only download and install packages the first time.

In the future, Pluto will automate this process for you! πŸ™ˆ


If you go to the (GitHub Pages) URL of repository, you will see a small index of the notebooks in this repository. You can customize this page, two options are:

  • Create your own index.html or file, it will be used as the homepage.
  • Rename one of your notebooks to index.jl, and it will be the default notebook!