
Hosting my own CDN for fun and profit

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a Rails app that will eventually power my tiny DIY content distribution network. Follow along if you'd like.

setting up a new cache node

  • create proxy in cdn app
  • create dns entry
  • create vps
  • curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <proxy api key>' https://cdn.hostname/setup | sudo bash


  • setup install nginx, create update cron
  • update one-minute cron, update certificates and config with last-updated-at. if there are updates, extract new certificates file, restart nginx



  • Made the cache last forever
  • added rudiumentary "push" zones but not using it yet because the deploy story isn't ready
  • can now deactiate proxies and have them automatically taken out of the pool

2018-08-26 (evening)

Switched to production LE and set up corastreetpress.com. Everything seems to be working as expected.


App can now set up latency-based A and AAAA records for sites

Next steps:

  • Use the last_seen_at Proxy attribute to pull proxies out of rotation that don't check in
  • Switch to production LE & set up a real site


These things are now working:

  • creating or updating a site's domain list will generate a LetsEncrypt certificate
  • nginx config generation
  • setup script (install nginx, create update curl | bash shim, set up cron)
  • update script (download certificates and nginx config, restart nginx)
  • update script is a server-controlled noop unless a site or proxy has updated since the certificates zipfile was last downloaded

Next steps:

  • Switch to production LetsEncrypt
  • Teach app how to set up proxies as geo-latency A and AAAA records for labels in domain_list for each site
  • Set up a real site


  • log rotate + remote_syslog2
  • coordinate proxy admin with capistrano
  • investigate SSH certificate authority