API for Digilent Analog Discover Pro

  • main.py is the main API
  • adpro.py is the digitizer class
  • WF_SDK contains Digilent's helper functions to interact with the digitizer


  • From the PrM server, log in to the digitizer via ssh -L 8000:localhost:8000 digilent@
  • Clone this repo, if not done already
  • Enter and run the API: sudo /home/digilent/.local/bin/uvicorn main:app --reload

On the PrM server, you can control the digitizer via:

  • localhost:8000/lamp_control/on: turns the flash lamp on
  • localhost:8000/lamp_control/off: turns the flash lamp off
  • localhost:8000/lamp_frequency/10: sets the lamp frequency to 10 Hz
  • localhost:8000/digitizer/start_capture: starts the data acquisition
  • localhost:8000/digitizer/check_capture: checks if the acquisition if over
  • localhost:8000/digitizer/get_data: returns the collected data
  • For more commands, see main.py.

Run Manually

  • From the PrM server, log in to the digitizer via ssh -L 8000:localhost:8000 digilent@
  • Clone this repo, if not done already
  • Run python, then:
from adpro import ADPro

# Instantiate the digitizer class
digitizer = ADPro()

# Turn on the flash lamp (uses the waveform generator)

# Start a digitizer data acquisitio

# Check for the acquisition to be completed
while not digitizer.check_capture():

# Turn off the flash lamp

# Retrieve the digitizer data
data = digitizer.get_data()

# Close the digitizer

Check: Getting Started with the WaveForms SDK for more details.