
Scripts to process SBND CRT data files from 2017-2018

Primary LanguageC

Processing of the CRT data files

CRT data files are located at /sbnd/data/CRT/CRT_data/.


Setup with source setup.sh.

Step 0 - Preliminary (POT)

Get BNB POT info from database

Use the scripts pot/extract201*.sh to download the BNB spill information for all the days in 2017 and 2018. These scripts will create a file for each day containing second, millisecond, pot information for each spill from the accelerator database. These files are created in txt format. Run the script database_to_pickle.py to have them in pkl format as well. Copy the folder extract_from_database into the sbnd/data area: /sbnd/data/users/mdeltutt/crt_data/pot/.

You don't need to do this step, as files are already present in /sbnd/data/users/mdeltutt/crt_data/pot/.

Step 1 - Pair Builder

Run the pair_builder to extract beam-triggered events. This code takes as input raw DAQ files and makes files in binary format that contain beam-triggered events.

Steps to run:

  • Go in pair_builder/
  • Compile with make
  • Test run with source test_run.sh (make sure you open change the destination path in the script first)

The pair_builder will create an ouptput binary file for each input binary file, plus an additional txt file with all the processed T1 events (beam spills). This txt file is needed for step 2, as it will be correlated with the accelerator database to retrieve the POT per spill.

Step 2 - POT Correlation

In the same pair_builder/, run the parse_spill_files.py to correlate the T1 spills with the POTs:

python parse_spill_files.py --file /path/to/step1/output/file

You can run both Step 1 and 2 with:

  • Adjust the output file path in run_pair_builder.sh
  • source run_pair_builder.sh.

Step 3 - From Binary to libCRT ROOT Files

Convert the files from binary to libCRT ROOT format. This is done in the conversion folder. The ConvertRawPairsToRun.C macro takes as input binary files from the previous step, gets the 1D hits from them, makes 2D hits out of every two coincident 1D hits, and saves all these hits in libCRT format to an output ROOT file.

After this step, one can merge all the output ROOT files into one.

This is what get run:

  • ConvertRawPairsToRun: From the binary file, it takes two consecutive 1D hits to make a 2D hit.
  • GroupAndClassify: Groups 2D hits together based on time coincidence. We use a 50000 ns (50 ms) time coincidence for this, as we want to group hits belonging to the same spill.
  • ExtractPassing: Not used.

Run a test:

  • Go in conversion/
  • Set the right file paths in test_run.sh Run with source test_run.sh

Run on all files:

  • Set the right file paths in ReprocessAllRuns.sh
  • Run with source ReprocessAllRuns.sh

Step 4 - From libCRT to flat ROOT TTree

Flat the libCRT tree. This is done by flat_crt_tree.C in the conversion folder. This script converts root files from libCRT to simple flat tree for easy analysis.

Step 5 - Convert to art-ROOT

Finally, we want to convert to LArSoft art-ROOT format. Code to do this is in feature branch feature/mdeltutt_bt_data_import inside the sbndcode/CRTBeamTelescope/DataImport folder.

Run with lar -c import_crt_data_sbnd.fcl -s /sbnd/data/users/mdeltutt/crt_data/test/ProdRun20170623_152137.beam.classified.flat.root

Step 6 - Custom Reconstruction

To be done. Work started in sbndcode/CRTBeamTelescope/Reconstruction/ in feature branch feature/mdeltutt_bt_data_import.

Processed Files

May 2022

Output of step 2 is in: /sbnd/data/users/mdeltutt/crt_data/beam_with_pot/

Output of step 3 is in: /sbnd/data/users/mdeltutt/crt_data/beam_converted_may2022/

Files called ProdRun????????_??????.beam.classified.root need to go to step 4.