
A unit test function/classes generator for Python/Java

Primary LanguagePython

Smart Tester

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A unit test function/classes generator for Python/Java

Smart Tester provides the generation of unit tests for the given functions, through multi-step prompts to an LLM.

This approach is inspired by "Unit test writing using a multi-step prompt" by Ted Sanders (https://github.com/ted-at-openai), from the official OpenAI Cookbook on Github (https://github.com/openai/openai-cookbook/blob/main/examples/Unit_test_writing_using_a_multi-step_prompt.ipynb).

As suggested by the CookBook, 4 base steps are provided:

  1. Explain: Given a Python function, we ask GPT to explain what the function is doing and why..
  2. Plan: We ask GPT to plan a set of unit tests for the function.
  3. If the plan is too short, we ask GPT to elaborate with more ideas for unit tests.
  4. Execute: Finally, we instruct GPT to write unit tests that cover the planned cases.

In this project 2 additional steps are structured: 5. Post-processing: Fix common errors produced by the LLM-generated unit test code 6. Verify: Verify if the post-processed code is executable

Provided functionalities

  • Develop an LLM-based service to generate test functions for Python, with pytest (and pytest.mark.parametrize)
  • Saved intermediate steps in persistent files to review step outputs and restart computation from an intermediate step

How to use:

  1. Clone/fork the project
  2. Open the project using your favorite SDK (PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, ...)
  3. Set the environment variable "OPENAI_API_KEY" to link your OpenAI API Key (https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys)
  4. Execute the main function from smarttester\scripts\gtp35_python_smart_testing_example_runner.py, using the desired function_to_tests and parameters, as follows in this screenshot alt text
  5. If parameter "print_text" is set as True, results are printed in the terminal: alt text
  6. If parameter "save_text" is set as True, results and intermediate steps are saved as files in _smarttester\package\smarttester\resources\data\saved_files

In-progress functionalities:

  • Automated post-processing to fix usual LLM's specific errors in generating pytest tests

  • Exposition of API to call pytest test generation services from a client

  • Develop an LLM-based service to generate test functions for Java, with junit5 (and ParameterizedTest)

  • Automated post-processing to fix usual LLM's specific errors in generating junit tests

  • Exposition of API to call junit test generation services from a client

  • Exposition of a Frontend to provide an interface to the exposed API