
🌬 Monitor Arpa Air OpenData in HomeAssistant

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Arpa Air Quality

Get air information from Arpa

🌬 Arpa Air quality


Collect information about Air quality information provided by Arpa Stations throught sensor. Informations data are provided from Arpa local departments through Open Data.

Guides and info

Configured regions

Region Local Arpa site url OpenData Url
veneto https://www.arpa.veneto.it/
toscana http://www.arpat.toscana.it/ http://www.arpat.toscana.it/temi-ambientali/aria/

{% if not installed %}


Use HACS or download the hassio-arpa-air-quality directory inside the apps directory here to your local apps directory.


Arpa Air Quality is an AppDaemon app. The app works with Appdaemon v4.x.


Use HACS or download the hassio-arpa-air-quality directory inside the apps directory here to your local apps directory.

Remember to configure it after install


In app/hassio-arpa-air-quality should be region.json file that contains all configuration setting.

Parameter Description Type Example
regions Specific configuration of each region dictionary of region_object "regions": {"veneto": {"url": "", "station_id": "500021975", "monitored_params": ["pm10", "OZONO"]} }
unit_of_measurement Unit of measurement to apply to relative parameter dict {"ozono": "µg/m3", "pm10": "µg/m3", "SO2": "µg/m3"}
refresh_rate Time to refresh in minutes int 30
create_sensor Create a sensor for each monitored params of each configured region bool True

Region Object

The configurable regions are these.

Parameter Description Type Example
url Url address of Open Data json data string
station_id Arpa monitored station string 500021975 or FI-GRAMSCI
monitored_params Dictionary of units of measurement dictionary {"ozono": "µg/m3", "pm10": "µg/m3", "SO2": "µg/m3" }

Example of region.json

  "refresh_rate": 6,
  "create_sensor": true,
  "unit_of_measurement": {
    "ozono": "µg/m3",
    "pm10": "µg/m3",
    "SO2": "µg/m3"
  "regions": {
    "veneto": {
      "url": "",
      "station_id": "500021975",
      "monitored_params": [
    "toscana": {
      "url": "http://www.arpat.toscana.it/temi-ambientali/aria/> qualita-aria/dati_orari_real_time/json_orari_nrt/",
      "monitored_params": ["SO2", "NO2", "O3", "CO", "H2S", "BENZENE"],
      "station_id": "FI-GRAMSCI"


At least one sensor per configured area will be created automatically sensor.arpa_air_station_<<<region_name>>

examplex: for toscana, sensors will be sensor.arpa_air_station_toscana

Parameter Sensor

if create_sensor flag is True, will be automatically create sensor for each monitored_param configured.

The name of sensor is: sensor.arpa_air_station_<<<region_name>>_<<parameter_name>>

example: for SO2 in toscana, sensor name will be sensor.arpa_air_station_toscana_so2

Each sensor shows:

  • State
    • Value and unit of measurement
  • Attribues
    • Measurement_date: measurement date
    • Last_update: last refresh date
    • station_id: configured Arpa station


With a custom event arpa_air_quality_refresh it's possible to refresh data immediately. Event has one mandatory parameter:

Parameter Description Type Example
regions List of regions to refresh list regions:
- toscana
- veneto
# Example refresh Arpa air quality at sunrise both veneto and toscana
- alias: Refresh Arpa air quality at sunrise both veneto and toscana
    - platform: sun
      event: sunrise
    - event: arpa_air_quality_refresh
          - veneto
          - toscana

# Example refresh Arpa air quality at sunset only for veneto
- alias: Refresh Arpa air quality at sunset only for veneto
    - platform: sun
      event: sunset
    - event: arpa_air_quality_refresh
          - veneto

Upgrade from 0.5.*

After update from version 0.5.* to >1.0.0 you can delete old keys in secrets.yaml file and sensors in configuration.yaml file. Items to remove are:

  • secrets.yaml
    • arpa_url_json
    • arpa_station_id
    • arpa_refresh_rate
    • arpa_monitored_params
  • configuration.yaml (template sensors)
    • arpa_url_json
    • arpa_station_id
    • arpa_refresh_rate