
Management of image uploads to be displayed on mobile devices

Primary LanguagePHP


Simple Image management for Laravel. Very usefull if you are developing a Laravel API for Mobile Applications, dimages can resample images depending on what the image will be used for and the devices density.


Download and install laravel.

$ laravel new app1
$ cd app1

Dimages allows images to be downloaded by the public. However, uploading images can only be done through authentication, by way of the auth:api middleware. The easiest way to achieve api authentication is to use laravel/passport. Note: laravel/passport requires a database, so make sure you have one set up.

So download, install, and configure laravel passport:

$ composer require laravel/passport

This will install passport and all it's dependencies.

$ php artisan passport:install

You will get an output similar to:

Encryption keys generated successfully.
Personal access client created successfully.
Client ID: 1
Password grant client created successfully.
Client ID: 2

This creates 2 grants for Signing in. The first one is a Personal access client, which we will ignore for now. The second one is a Password grand which is the one we will use to log in. So remember the second Client secret, we will use it as an API key of sorts to log into the api. Now, In the mean time, you need to create a user to log in with, lets create a seeder to add a user.

$ php artisan make:seeder UserSeeder
Seeder created successfully.

This creates the seeder class in database/seeds folder, lets add the code:


use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;

class UserSeeder extends Seeder
  protected $users = [
    ['name' => 'Son Goku', 'email' => 'goku@dbz.com', 'password' => 'goku'],
    ['name' => 'Bulma', 'email' => 'bulma@dbz.com', 'password' => 'bulma'],
    ['name' => 'Master Roshi', 'email' => 'master.roshi@dbz.com', 'password' => 'masterroshi'],
    ['name' => 'Yamcha', 'email' => 'yamcha@dbz.com', 'password' => 'yamcha'],
    ['name' => 'Krillin', 'email' => 'krillin@dbz.com', 'password' => 'krillin'],
    ['name' => 'Tien Shinhan', 'email' => 'tien.shinhan@dbz.com', 'password' => 'tienshinhan'],
    ['name' => 'Picollo', 'email' => 'picollo@dbz.com', 'password' => 'picollo']

  public function run()
    foreach ($this->users as $k => $u) {
      $now = (new \Datetime("now"))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
      $this->users[$k]['email_verified_at'] = $now;
      $this->users[$k]['created_at'] = $now;
      $this->users[$k]['updated_at'] = $now;
      $this->users[$k]['password'] = bcrypt($u['password']);


The code contains a bunch of users for testing, we can use any of those to log in. To run the seeder, run the following command:

$ php artisan db:seed --class=UserSeeder
Database seeding completed successfully.

So now we have passport working, and users to log in with. We can now use composer to install marcohern/dimages

$ composer require marcohern/dimages

At this point, the library is installed. But you need to install the configuration file.

Run the following command:

$ php artisan vendor:publish

A list of publishables appear, pick the one labeled config.

At that moment you will see the following message output:

Copied File [\vendor\marcohern\dimages\publishables\config\dimages.php] To [\config\dimages.php]

This means that the configuration has been deployed. Finally, by typing the following command:

$ php artisan route:list --columns=method,uri

A list of routes will appear. If routes with prefixes dimage, dimaages and dimagesettings appear, then the library is working and installed.

| Method   | URI                                                                |
| GET|HEAD | /                                                                  |
| GET|HEAD | api/user                                                           |
| POST     | dimage/attach/{tenant}/{session}/{entity}/{identity}               |
| POST     | dimage/stage/{tenant}/{session}                                    |
| POST     | dimage/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}                                |
| DELETE   | dimage/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}                                |
| GET|HEAD | dimage/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/{index?}                       |
| DELETE   | dimage/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/{index}                        |
| POST     | dimage/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/{index}                        |
| GET|HEAD | dimage/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/{profile}/{density}/{index?}   |
| GET|HEAD | dimages                                                            |
| GET|HEAD | dimages/session                                                    |
| GET|HEAD | dimages/status                                                     |
| GET|HEAD | dimages/{tenant}                                                   |
| GET|HEAD | dimages/{tenant}/{entity}                                          |
| POST     | dimages/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/normalize                     |
| GET|HEAD | dimages/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/sources                       |
| POST     | dimages/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/switch/{source}/with/{target} |
| GET|HEAD | dimagesettings/{tenant}                                            |
| POST     | dimagesettings/{tenant}/density                                    |
| DELETE   | dimagesettings/{tenant}/density/{density}                          |
| POST     | dimagesettings/{tenant}/profile                                    |
| DELETE   | dimagesettings/{tenant}/profile/{profile}                          |
| POST     | dimagesettings/{tenant}/reset                                      |

You are now ready to use the library.

Using dimages

dimages exposes endpoints that help you manage images, and download them for specific profiles and density.

To make sure to get a result in JSON format, make sure to add header Accept: application/json.

Uploading one or more images

POST /dimage/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}


POST /dimage/john-doe/games/death-stranding


tenant: The user or tenant of the image, it can be a code, slug, or username. such as mike or user1234.

entity: Entity of the image. such as user, user-profile or albums.

identity: Reference to the object attached to the image, such as the username or a slug. Examples: john-doe, my-album-2020-01-22.

image: (in body) Upload a file in a field called image. Content-Type must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded.


  "index": 0

You can only upload one image per request. If you upload more than one image (with multiple requests), each image will return an index number, the first one being 0, then 1, and so on.

Downloading uploaded images

GET /dimage/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/{index?}


GET /dimage/john-doe/games/death-stranding
GET /dimage/john-doe/games/death-stranding/0
GET /dimage/john-doe/games/death-stranding/2


tenant: The user or tenant of the image, it can be a code, slug, or username. such as mike or user1234.

entity: Entity of the image. such as user, user-profile or albums.

identity: Reference to the object attached to the image, such as the username or a slug. Examples: john-doe, my-album-2020-01-22.

index: (optional) the index of the image. If no index is specified, index zero (0) is used.


Returns the source image, in it's original size, as it was uploaded.

Downloading uploaded images in different sizes

GET /dimage/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/{profile}/{density}/{index?}


GET /dimage/john-doe/games/death-stranding/icons/ldpi
GET /dimage/john-doe/games/death-stranding/launcher-icons/mdpi/0
GET /dimage/john-doe/games/death-stranding/ref/hdpi/2


tenant: The user or tenant of the image, it can be a code, slug, or username. such as mike or user1234.

entity: Entity of the image. such as user, user-profile or albums.

identity: Reference to the object attached to the image, such as the username or a slug. Examples: john-doe, my-album-2020-01-22.

profile: The profile of the image. The profile is essentially a reference to what the image will be used for, such as, as an icon, or a cover. Essentially it defines the aspect ratio.

density: Reference to the object attached to the image, such as the username or a slug. Examples: john-doe, my-album-2020-01-22.

index: (optional) the index of the image. If no index is specified, index zero (0) is used.


The image in the appropriate size.

Configuring image sizes

The image sizes can be configured in the config/dimages.php file. There are settings to begin with.

return [
  'densities' => [
    'ldpi'    => 0.75,
    'mdpi'    => 1.00,
    'hdpi'    => 1.50,
    'xhdpi'   => 2.00,
    'xxhdpi'  => 3.00,
    'xxxhdpi' => 4.00,

    'single'  => 1.00,
    'double'  => 2.00,
  'profiles' => [
    'ref'                => [480, 320],
    'launcher-icons'     => [48, 48],
    'actionbar-icons'    => [24, 24],
    'small-icons'        => [16, 16],
    'notification-icons' => [22, 22],

densities: A list of densities in inches per pixel. This will used to calculate the size of any image requested with the specified density. You can add new density multipliers if you like.

profiles: A list of image sizes in pixels. It is the size of the image if the density was equal to 1 (mdpi). Sizes are calculated by multiplying the specified density with each dimension of the specified profile. In principle, you will be adding more profiles as your app requires.


Request    Profile Size        Density Mult  Requested Size
ref/ldpi   ref     [480, 320]  ldpi    0.75  [360, 240]
ref/mdpi   ref     [480, 320]  mdpi    1.00  [480, 320]
ref/hdpi   ref     [480, 320]  hdpi    1.50  [720, 480]
ref/xhdpi  ref     [480, 320]  xhdpi   2.00  [950, 640]
ref/xxhdpi ref     [480, 320]  xhdpi   3.00  [1440, 960]

Deleting images

DELETE /dimage/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/{index?}


# Delete a single image
DELETE /dimage/john-doe/games/death-stranding/1

# Delete all images associated with identity
DELETE /dimage/john-doe/games/death-stranding


tenant: The user or tenant of the image.

entity: Entity of the image.

identity: Identity.

index: (optional) the index of the image. Images with the matching index will be deleted. If not specified, all images associated with the identity will be deleted.

Other endpoints available

#Update an image
POST dimage/attach/{tenant}/{session}/{entity}/{identity}

#Upload an image into staging
POST dimage/stage/{tenant}/{session}

#Upload an image directly to an identity
POST dimage/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}

#Delete all images associated to an identity
DELETE dimage/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}

#Get a source image
GET dimage/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/{index?}

#Delete a single image and all its derivatives
DELETE dimage/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/{index}

#Update an existing image
POST dimage/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/{index}

#Get a derivative image
GET dimage/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/{profile}/{density}/{index?}

#Get list of tenants
GET dimages

#Get a usable session Id
GET dimages/session

#get status
GET dimages/status

#Get list of entities
GET dimages/{tenant}

#Get list of identities
GET dimages/{tenant}/{entity}

#Remove any index gaps if they exists
POST dimages/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/normalize

#Get list of existing source images
GET dimages/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/sources

#Switch an index to another. If target image allready exists, switch them.
POST dimages/{tenant}/{entity}/{identity}/switch/{source}/with/{target}

# Get tenant settings
GET dimagesettings/{tenant}

# Add or Update density entry
POST dimagesettings/{tenant}/density
  "name": "the_density",
  "value": 2.00

# Delete density entry
DELETE dimagesettings/{tenant}/density/{density}

# Add or Update profile entry
POST dimagesettings/{tenant}/profile
  "name": "the_profile",
  "width": 300,
  "height": 400

# Delete profile entry
DELETE dimagesettings/{tenant}/profile/{profile}

#Reset settings to default
POST dimagesettings/{tenant}/reset

Installation fo Development Environment

To install dimages to develop for it, follow these steps.

  1. Install a new Laravel application that you will use for running and testing your development. Let's call it laravel_packages.
  2. In the root folder, create a packages/marcohern folder.
  3. In packages/marcohern folder, checkout dimages source in a dimages folder. In the end, the path to the cloned repository should be in: /path/to/your/workspace/laravel_packages/marcohern/dimages/

At this point, you must register the package in laravel:

  1. Add the DimagesServiceProvider to the providers list in the config/app.php file.
  'providers' => [
     * Package Service Providers...
  1. Include the package source files in the composer.json file autoload section. Include the dimages namespace/source folder in the psr-4 list, and the Helper.php in the files list.

    "psr-4": {
      "App\\": "app/",
      "Marcohern\\Dimages\\": "packages/marcohern/dimages/src"
    "files": [
  1. Finally, run composer dump-autoload.
.../laravel_packages>composer dump-autoload

At this point, the package module should be working. Test it by opening the module's main route.

  1. Run php artisan serve on the laravel project.
.../laravel_packages>php artisan serve
  1. Open a browser and access the package module with the following url: http://localhost:8000/mh/dim/api/status. This should return a 200 and a json with success = true. You are all set!