
Shop View Android Guide App with Kotlin and Firebase

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Sorry. I'm editing this repository.

Shop View

API Hex.pm

Android Guide App with Kotlin and Firebase


Features used in app


  • Get current location fast once(GPS[lat, lng]) - LocationListener(requestSingleUpdate)


  • Address Translation - Geocoder API
  • Modify current location - Google Map API
  • Mark in shop location and current location - Google Map API
  • Firebase Realtime Database - write/read data to database
  • Calculation to distance - distanceTo()
  • Sort by distance from current location - sortWith()
  • In-app purchase - Google Play In-app Billing API v3 Library
  • (Firebase AdMob)
  • (Firebase Auth)
  • (Firebase Analytics)


Code Index

Feature Code Location
Get current location fast once(GPS) ui/NearMeActivity.kt: 130-140
Address Translation String
Modify current location String
Sort list by distance String
Fingerprint String
Hardware String
Radio Version String
Device String
Board String




I love contribution. I don't think this app and code are perfect. I need your help.

1. add issue tracker or send marcokoo19@gmail.com
2. clone
3. commit