Show multiple entity states, attributes and icons in a single card in Home Assistant's Lovelace UI
- 9
Templates Issue: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'state_on')
#344 opened by lennon101 - 7
Why does HA says that repo was archived?
#348 opened by iamBiB - 8
Can the Title font size be reduced?
#350 opened by templeowls21 - 3
Update to 1.08.03+ breaks on Lenovo Smart Clock2
#349 opened by Shomesomesho - 1
- 3
Styles and templating does not work for light entities
#346 opened by lennon101 - 1
Add a state_color_value variable to make it easier to change icon colours when an entity is 'on'
#345 opened by lennon101 - 4
Entities added to "info_entities" are not centered
#339 opened by almirus - 2
Larger Icon, independent of entity
#257 opened by ecraven - 1
Problem with Firefox 129.0.1 (64bit)
#342 opened by coasting24 - 2
Entity Objects with just an icon are not rendered
#338 opened by felixmxr - 7
State ignores sensor‘s device_class
#337 opened by snowy-18 - 7
Textual status shown in wrong language
#249 opened by MartinGoX - 3
Frontend memory leak when combined with card-mod
#291 opened by qupada - 1
CSS Animation Support
#327 opened by nathanashton - 2
- 40
- 23
Wrong Icons shown for Motion devices in Info Entities
#316 opened by jane-t - 16
Handle breaking change for ha-icon
#313 opened by elupus - 1
tap action on background image
#312 opened by pvklink - 1
cannot get background-image to work
#306 opened by RedNo7 - 8
Improved Reusability
#246 opened by karamfil - 6
- 1
Memory Leak, when using Cards with Mushroom Cards
#290 opened by rtreichl - 2
Climate icon template breaks the toggle
#282 opened by sandreialexandru - 23
Entity icons not updating on state change
#280 opened by sandreialexandru - 9
Room-cards with Entities of type "media-player." are not displaying after update to v. 1.08.00
#279 opened by BrettEBowman - 8
- 1
Request: Multi Rows for info_entities
#275 opened by Bjoern3003 - 3
Both icon and state in info entities
#268 opened by metbril - 2
Cannot change entity status font-size style
#227 opened by davefx - 1
Template as entity name
#271 opened by kai-zer-ru - 1
Font sizes
#272 opened by rom169 - 13
- 2
switch state not updating when turning on/off
#244 opened by labaland - 1
Overlapping Infor and main title
#265 opened by softhuntermike - 1
Header Style?
#229 opened by efaden - 1
Cards updating too frequently and causing an annoying flickering / flashing issue with frigate-card
#245 opened by ndbroadbent - 1
No default action for main entity
#235 opened by pkscout - 2
Unable to use tap_action in entity icon (header)
#236 opened by cobirnm - 2
Navigation header url not working with 1.07.21
#232 opened by FreddyX078 - 2
Tap action for navigation does not work
#233 opened by amblyo - 1
Allow jinja2 templates for icon/icon_color/style/title/etc instead of javascript style.
#231 opened by efaden - 1
Allow icon in title without an entity, make entity optional (rooms without a single entity for the room state)
#230 opened by efaden - 3
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- 2
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- 3
Card not working
#166 opened by brinkgit - 7
Update to room-card made my icon colors disapper
#151 opened by Ofir-P