ASAP Challenge

Flutter App Challenge

Flutter version used

 Flutter 1.22.6 • channel stable •
 Framework • revision 9b2d32b605 (3 weeks ago) • 2021-01-22 14:36:39 -0800
 Engine • revision 2f0af37152
 Tools • Dart 2.10.5
  • It's recomended to use the same version and channel

Devices minimun SDKs

  • Android minSdkVersion 21
  • iOS minVersion 11.0

Todo List

  • Implementar el patrón cubit o bloc
  • Componentizar widgets
  • Login & signup; Implementar Firebase authentication
  • Login & signup; Validar formulario
  • Login; Si el usuario está logueado que la aplicación lo lleve directo a la pantalla 3 o 4
  • Lista de órdenes; Implementar el pull to refresh
  • Lista de órdenes; No es necesario que los botones accepted y paid tenga interacción; solo pintarlos
  • Lista de órdenes; Active Order y Past Order si deben interactuar o listar contenido de forma dinámica
  • El contenido lo puedes mockear creando listas hardcore, archivos json locales o apoyandote con firebase realtime database
  • Menú; Que se oculte y habilite; No es necesario que su contenido tenga interacción, solo trabajar el l&f


  • Clone this repository and go into the folder cloned.
  • Conect a device in order to run rhe app.
flutter pub get
flutter run
  • Run in mode release
flutter run --release
  • For iOS target, install pods
cd ios
pod install

Android Apk - release mode

flutter build apk --release

Download Apk

What was used in this app:

  • Cubit for state managment
  • Hard coded data in orders
  • Firebase authentication and session managment
  • Pull refresh
  • Basic Animations
  • OnGeneretaed Routes for navigation

Test User accounts

  • As this is a demo app, here is a demo user and pass, also the domains are restricted
  • user: pass: 123456
  • user: pass: qwerty
  • you can register new users, with the domain and

Tested on

  • iPhone 6, iOS 12.5.1
  • Samsung A70, Android 10

Video Demo

Download Video demo


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.