Flutter Testing App

Flutter Testing App Challenge

This project was build in order to learn unit, widget and integration testing.

Flutter version

Flutter 2.2.3 • channel stable • https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
Tools • Dart 2.12.0
  • It's recomended to use the same version and channel
  • Null safety enabled

Todo's List

[x] Tests for list of characters services, repositories and bloc
[x] Local storage service for home(list of characters)
[x] Repository for home(list of characters)
[x] Screens for home(list of characters)
[x] Bloc for home(list of characters)

[x] Tests for detail character services, repositories and bloc
[x] Local storage service for home(list of characters)
[x] Repository for home(list of characters)
[x] Screens for home(list of characters)
[x] Bloc for home(list of characters)

[ ] Local test for favoorites services, repository and bloc
[ ] Local storage service for favorites
[ ] Repository for favorites
[ ] Screens for favorites
[ ] Bloc for favorites

[ ] Widget Testing
[ ] Integration Testing

Folder Structure

├── lib                             # app files
  ├── main.dart                     # entry point
    ├── config                      # app configurations files 
      ├── constants                 # app constants files 
      ├── error                     # error, failures exceptions constants
      ├── routes                    # all the app routes, for navigation 
    ├── bloc                        # All the bussiness logic base on RxDart
    ├── presentation                # All the screens and shared widgets
        ├── screens                 # All the screens 
        ├── shared                  # All shared widgets
    ├── repositories                # Contracts and implementations
    ├── services                    # Remote, Local resources (typically http requests)
├── pubspec.yaml                    
├── README.md      
├── tests


  • Clone this repository and go into the folder cloned.
  • Conect a device in order to run rhe app.
flutter pub get
flutter pub run build_runner build
flutter run
  • Run in mode release
flutter run --release
  • For iOS target, install pods
flutter pub get
cd ios
pod install
flutter run

Run Tests

flutter test

Run Test, Test Coverage and Open Coverage

bash test.sh

required genhtml installed this bash removes *.g.dart *.freezed.dart files

What was used in this app:

  • RxDart
    • Using this in order to learn state managment with streams. (Learning purposes)
  • Mocktail
    • Using this in order to learn MockTail. (Learning purposes)
  • Freezed
    • Generator for models


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.